Installing OpenWrt 23.05 on the TP-Link ER605v2?

I am seeing the TP-Link ER605 v2 being supported :smiley:

Does anybody know how to install openwrt on this device?
Failing here while doing firmware upgrade in the TP-Link web interface.
Is there any other method?

thnak you

Apparently, there is no such device supported.

1 Like

wtf ? ... :smiley:
In that case use the initramfs first, than the sysupgrade. You may have to use TFTP.

the initramfs did not work, n dont seems to have any tftp working on this device

This somehow seems to have gotten merged, but without clear instructions for installation. I'd suggest trying through the bootloader, it has a built-in webserver (like many newer MT7621 devices). You don't seem to need TFTP.

First stop for installation instructions is the git log, if there's no device page or data entry in the wiki.

@badulesia The ToH is not a reference unfortunately. Only the git log is conclusive, since device pages and data entries require manual labour.


been able to ssh into, but command are very limited:

@'s password:


Commands available:
help Show available commands
exit Exit from current mode
enable Turn on privileged commands
disable Turn off privileged commands


Error: Invalid command "ls"


Commands available:
help Show available commands
exit Exit from current mode
enable Turn on privileged commands
disable Turn off privileged commands
configure Enter configuration mode
show system-info Display system information.
show history Display command history.
show interface switchport Display interface switch port information.
show interface vlan Display interface VLAN information.
show arp Display ARP entry information.
show ikev1 policy Display ikev1 module entry information.
show ikev2 policy Display ikev2 module entry information.
show transform-set Display transform-set module entry information.
show crypto map Display map module entry information.
show crypto ipsec sa Display the SA information of the established IPSec.
show all ikev1 policy Display all ikev1 module entry information.
show all ikev2 policy Display all ikev2 module entry information.
show all transform-set Display all transform-set module entry information.
show all crypto map Display all map module entry information.
show ip rip Display RIP interface information.
show ip ospf Display ospf information.
show ip ospf database Display the database information of OSPF.
show ip ospf neighbor Display OSPF neighbor table information.
show ip ospf interface Display the interface information of OSPF.
show ip route static Display entry information of static IP route.
show ip http configuration Display http configuration.
show network Display OSPF network information.
show nat virtual-server Display the entry information of NAT virtual-server.
show nat one-to-one Display the entry information of one-to-one NAT.
show nat alg Display the entry information of NAT ALG.
show snmp-server Display SNMP server configuration.
show ssh configuration Display SSH configuration information.
ping Ping ip address.
tracert traceroute ip address.
clear history Clear previously run commands.
reboot Reboot device.

#show system-info
System Description - Omada Gigabit VPN Router
System Name - ER605
Contact Information -
Hardware Version - ER605 v2.0
Firmware Version - 2.1.2 Build 20230210 Rel.62992
Mac Address - XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX
System Time - 2018-01-01 00:11:42
Running Time - 0 day - 0 hour - 13 min - 2 sec

Any updates about openwrt er605 v2?

What kind of updates? ER605v2 is working fine with OpenWRT.

will need more development to have this device from tweeking only openwrt device to professional openwrt networking usage. I think the wait might be long or might even never see a light and stick with its core banded firmware for micro/small LANs

I found this instruction for flashing OpenWrt on 605v2

did it work for you ?
because for me the password generator doesn't work, neither root or cli debug passwords work at all

Take a look here:

Hi, I'm new to this but I like to learn. I'm trying to install openwrt on ER605 v2, with the chill1Penguin method, I was able to connect to the router via SSH with Putty and also get the root access key, but I couldn't make the backup. I'm also trying to apply steps 5 and 6 but it generates these certificate errors. I hope you can please help me see what I'm doing wrong. I'm attaching an image of the results you give me.

how did you get past step 3 because I cannot seem to use the codes chillpenquin gave. It will say that it is not a valid command.

**I have the same problem: Upgrade Failed. Please check the upgrade file and try again. **
i'm trying to use the most direct method of installing OpenWrt by going through TP-Link Login, without dealing with too much programming on my Linux, but tried several times with upgrading to latest TP-Link ER605v2 then installing OpenWrt. Still no progress.