Install adblocker on dumb AP

Hi, i decided to setup my router as a dumb AP following the wiki tutorial, and now I want to install an adblocker.

What's my best option? Adguard home? Adblock? My router is an Archer C7

Should I change some settings or just install the opkg?


depending on the hw, AGHs memory foot print might be too big.

Sorry is an archer c7, I edited the post

Adguard Home configuration could be worth reading.

the MT6000 got 8x the RAM of the C7.

Wow Adguard is pretty resource heavy.

What about the lucí-app-adblock?

less, don't know how much less though.

there's also adblock-lean.

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It looks good. Should I change something else or just install the pkg?

don't think it's available in the openwrt repo yet, you have to install it manually, as described at

It’s implemented as a simple service script and has no dependencies. Given your router memory, once you’ve obtained and enabled the service script and generated the default config as per the README I would recommend swapping out the default ‘PRO’ blocklist URL to the Hagezi ‘LIGHT’ list with this URL:

Happily the LIGHT list is excellent and according to Hagezi’s own analysis the benefit in using the much larger PRO list is very small.

And don’t forget to add the scheduled task to update the list at a random minute past 5am every night.

At this point it’s set and forget (save for no longer seeing ads).


@LuisNara remember to reconfigure the DHCP, to provide the APs IP as DNS.


Are you planning to use the adblocker for the whole network? Or just for the devices connected to the AP? Can you reconfigure the DNS on the main router?

Just on the ap clients

Can you reconfigure the DNS on the main router?

No, I can't modify my main router modem settings

@LuisNara remember to reconfigure the DHCP, to provide the APs IP as DNS.

Do I just need to enable DHCP on the LAN interface?

No, then you'll have two DHCPs on the same LAN.
You'll need to double NAT, or bridge your modem.

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Is it possible to leverage a kind of DNS hijacking here to have the AP intercept and redirect to its own IP?

No, since the traffic isn't passing any firewall.

How about with nftables bridge filtering, an ingress hook or tc-based invocation?

After all, using 'tcpdump', I seem to be able to see DNS lookups that pass through one of the dumb AP's in my own network

no idea, never tried those, sorry.

I don't even have openwrt on my router :wink:

Haha! What do you use for your router these days?

@vgaetera if one really wanted to DNS hijack on an otherwise dumb AP to have that device (potentially steal and) respond to DNS requests, would there be a way you can think of?

I do have openwrt running on a router, a Lanner NCA-1010B, but it's not internet facing.
My main router have always been a Fedora box.

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I just decided to do something similar. The gateway from my ISP doesn't have the ability to block IP addresses properly.
I just reconfigured my device with OpenWRT as a dumb AP on the opposite side of my place as a network switch and wifi extension (using The devices attached there I'd like to block a few URLs on.

I figured to just install Adblock and leave firewall , dnsmasq and odhcpd enabled (for guest wifi and to work with adblock), but I've discovered it doesn't work.
So far from reading this thread it seems it's not possible.