Hey guys,
I am running OpenWRT master on my Netgear R7800 router behind my ISP's Vodafone Station (NOT Unitymedia ConnectBox) Modem-Router.
Since I live in the old Unitymedia region I cannot configure the Modem-Router in Modem mode (Bridge mode). But my ISP thankfully enabled Dual Stack (not DS-lite) for me. However I cannot get IPv6 working for clients connected to my router. The router itself and clients directly connected to the Modem-Router are working fine on IPv4 and IPv6.
Thus I am pretty sure I configured my router to not properly announce a IPv6 route and distribute IPv6 addresses.
I obfuscated my IP and MAC addresses but to keep some relations I used the constant variables X1-X8 for 4byte IP chunks and M1-M6 for 2byte MAC chunks.
Modem-Router config:
### Internet
IPv4-Adresse: <HIDDEN>
Primäre DNS IPv4 Adresse:
IPv6 Adresse: 2a02:908:X1:X2:X3:X4:X5:X6
IPv6 Präfix Delegation: 2a02:908:X7:X8::/59
Primäre DNS IPv6 Adresse: 2a02:908:2:a::1,2a02:908:2:b::1
### LAN Netzwerk
IPv4 Netzwerk:
Default Gateway:
IPv6 Netzwerk: 2a02:908:X7:X8::/64
MAC-Adresse: d4:3f:cb:M1:M2:M3
From Wireshark I figured out that clients directly connected to the Modem Router receive the following Router Advertisement
from fe80::d63f:cbff:feM1:M2M3
Recursive DNS Servers 2a02:908:X7:X8:d63f:cbff:feM1:M2M3
Prefix 2a02:908:X7:X8::/64
Autonomous adress-configuration Flag(A)
Route Information: Medium ::0/0
I found some more info about my Modem-Router under Status > LAN Status:
IPv6 LAN Anschlussdetails
Schnittstelle | IPv6 Global Addr | IPv6 Link Local Addr | |
brlan0 | 2a02:908:X7:X8:d63f:cbff:feM1:M2M3/59 | fe80::d63f:cbff:feM1:M2M3/59 |
and after a click on the i icon:
IPv6 LAN Anschlussdetails
IPv6 DHCP Addr Pool: 2a02:908:X7:X8::/59
IPv6 Standard-Gateway: fe80::201:5cff:feM4:M5M6/59
IPv6 DNS Server: 2a02:908:2:a::1/59
If I set the WAN6 Interface on my router to DHCPv6 I get
IPv6: 2a02:908:X7:X8::7221/128
The router can ping -6 openwrt.org
now successfully.
I also tried this WAN6 configuration:
ip6addr= 2a02:908:X7:X8::7221/64
p6gw= fe80::d63f:cbff:feM1:M2M3
ip6prefix= 2a02:908:X7:X8::/64
which sould be pretty much a static copy of the DHCPv6 config and again the router can ping -6 openwrt.org
now successfully.
BUT I tried a number of IPv6 configurations (including static routes and Always announce default router - Announce as default router even if no public prefix is available.) on the LAN interface but never got IPv6 on clients connected to the router working.
How do I have to configure my WAN6 interface and LAN interface to get IPv6 working for clients connecting to my router?