I use my openwrt as my secondary router and need to block ports 22 and 80 from the principal router (my ISP). I want to block the access to my ISP router but not the internet out from my LAN.
@LilRedDog was referring to the idea of connections to the OpenWrt admin interface from the wan side...
So, to clarify your topology and your desired outcome, it sound like you have:
Internet > ISP modem/router > OpenWrt router > client devices
and you want to prevent the client devices from reaching the admin interface of the ISP router? That's pretty easy to do...
You'll create a firewall rule that rejects all traffic to port 22 and port 80 from source zone lan to destination zone wan with an address specified for the ISP router's address (it's own lan address).
The solution was adding a new rule in /etc/config/firewall where is the IP address of my ISP router. With dest_port I selected the ports to be blocked separated with spaces.
config rule
option name 'BlockMyISPRouter'
option src 'lan'
option dest 'wan'
list proto 'tcp'
option dest_port '80 443 20'
option target 'DROP'
list dest_ip '''''
PD. You can add more "list dest_ip" address if you want block another sites or equipment.