Help install openwrt mf286d

I haven't rear carefully scp is another software, maybe i could have done with putty or else, anyway i did reconnected to internet so it looked everything gone again.

I had to go work later i think could :hot_pepper: go without problems.

Thank you for now

force the sysupgrade.

I've got this after sent update

Now i have an ip, i don't think went well..

Nand page read failed
Nand flash error status 12336

You don't have the folder for switch to openwrt in Mega because you have to use Tim to Nordic and change the Nordic firmware within it with the openwrt One.
It's written in the guide...

I had nordic on the router before doing this

Since i loaded system on ram there should be some error from my side somewhere

Which guide? There are 100..

Are u talking about error UBI device does not have free logical eraseblocks?

But the framework will tell me anyway: wrong target version

If you had Nordic you should have used a Nordic to x folder with openwrt firmware replaced in It.
Now It seems to me you have a non booting aborted openwrt install.
So you need to use the serial connection.

Im been using serial from first time, and previous blocks should have been removed

We linked 1 (i.e. the official Wiki), and you referenced 1 (i.e. the one in Italian).

Can you post one the 98 URLs - so that we understand which guide you're following?

We cannot guess you chose to follow another guide and didn't tell us.

Which is the second one? Here i know only one guide and is a very restrictive summary of the things to do.

The guy clarely pointed at some external guides where a framework from zte assure the same firmware data to make an update.

I dont think you was referring to this

Anyway if you could tell more about errors on ubiattach would be much more appreciated

Ok, a quick recap for you:
there are 2 possibile ways to flash an MF286D to openwrt:

  1. Serial way, the official openwrt one, you can find the guide and the files on Openwrt site;
  2. ZTE Framework way, the easy way, you can find the files and explanation on fibraclick forum (you are italian as I am right?)

Now the question: which way you chose? 1, 2 or a strange mix of the two?

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Ubi attach error is listed as a influent error on official "guide" but it looks, as the provided photos shown that here could be the issue in writing image or is something in between maybe i need to use framework to make some "space" as the other guy said

The first guide si italiano

Yes, I can. See Wiki at -

#it could return error if ubi was attached before or rootfs part was erased before

#some devices doesn't have it

Sometimes it could print ubi attach error, but please ignore it if process goes forward.

Did you see this information on the Wiki?

Or probably a strange mix of the two assuming that i had nordic before calling openwrt on cache

Follow 1 guide.

Is what im doing and i have been replied at you and im trying finding a solution since the last command is been sent

Are you sure?

Please show a screenshot of using the sysupgrade -F and the output.

BTW, you can attach screenshots here, you don't need imgbb.
