Help install openwrt mf286d

I think is what i said but tftp doesnt write anything, i am bot frustrated to read, but to repeat the exact same things, because you are constantly saying to me in not reading, not following rules. But i think you really didn't understood well.

I understand. Provide screeshot.

Screenshot of config, please.

I understand. I also understand:

Show screenshot of:

  • non-working router and wires
  • non-working Ethernet cable
  • non-working TFTP
  • non-working Windows IPv4 config and
  • non-working PuTTY

We have not been saying the same things. You may have an incorrect understanding of the words "optional" and "required". TFTP is required. Please show screenshot.

To be clear, I never said this to you.

I apologize if you have that impression.

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Np let's go ahead but i start thinking this branded router need some crack like the one i showed before on mega.

Since I can't read Italian, I'm having an issue reading the site:

Again, I don't read Italian, so perhaps you could provide a translation???


I'm don't understand.

And the device pics?

We can't see or guess, unless you provide a picture to verify. I apologize if you're frustrated. Maybe someone else speaks Italian and can better assist you.

I read on older thred i should use this program to go from this brand to nordic and before get unbraded

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Yes, can you provide the information in English?

:joy: omg thats only the cookies advertise

No problems kets go ahead was for you wasn't intentionally meaning i wasn't reading

I am talking about my thread of february posted above is written in ENGLISH

OK, but I need the information, on the page under the advertising warning.

Non capisco la tua battuta.

I don't understand your joke. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

  • I read it
  • It references a forum in Italian

I cannot read the Italian guide, so I cannot assist. I don't get the joke, but nonetheless best wishes with your device.

Okay and there are a lot of software to switch inside this thread you can find the mega folder like i said before :

Here is but now it doesnt have any folder to swtich to openwrt so i will try to switch to nordic again

I was not joking u are joking at me i know

It seems there are instructions provided by @hecatae in a URL that are in Italian. I have tagged him so he can provide more clarity.

Perhaps he is able to assist. I am unable to assist, as I cannot read Italian and you only laugh when I ask for a translation. I wish you well.

I told you was a cookies advertise anyway im not saying you should do this but use a translator could be much better than writing a message for anything. Anyway i wish you too.


I know, I understand - I did use a translator:


Anyways @hecatae might be able to assist. Or someone else.

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New uart wasn't working, old one yes, old computer not.

I did loaded the firmware, but when i got prompted: wan interface loaded i can't go further, could this be because i am connected with wan port?

did you at least try the other ports before you asked ?

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No it was too late iwas going to sleep, what i should do on point 7?

Sysupgrade -n does nothing, with my pc folder address same.

Last time i did via GUI but also didn't worked

(win)scp the sysupgrade image over to the router's /tmp folder, and run the command adding the correct file name, or as the guide actually tells you, wget it, if the router have internet access.