GL.iNET Flint 2 (GL-MT6000) discussions

Use the latest snapshot. Its stable and working great.


I agree. Use the snapshot.

Some fixes that are in the snapshot will be in the next stable release 23.05.4, but we don't know when that will be.

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How about bufferbloat?
I am testing this optimized build and bufferbloat latency is too high when WED is enabled.

I am talking about WiFi bufferbloat, ethernet is perfect and I get A+. With WiFi and WED enabled it's a mess.

What's your WAN speed? Have you tried disabling WED and seeing how it performs?

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I have WED disabled, so I canā€™t comment. Buts itā€™s working great. I get an A or B on the bufferbloat test (mostly B). I dont have anything else enabled.

My WAN speed are 2.5 Gbps down and 500 Mbps up.

With WED enabled bufferbloat skyrockets to 70 ms giving a C score.
If I disable WED, it drops in the 40s giving a score of B, better but not ideal, with a lot of CPU consumption added.

The bufferbloat test does not fill my download capacity, even with a 160mhz client the best I get is 1300, and with it's 1700.

I want to stress that this is only an issue when using WiFi. A 2.5g LAN client can saturate my WAN and I still get an A+ with 2/3ms latency increase.

@gssjshark what are your latency when you get B? Because I'm very close to the threshold given to C.

In my setup, enabling ht160 seems to add a bit of bufferbloat (especially on apple products), so I leave mine at 80mhz width. It sounds like youā€™re not running SQM, is that correct?

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I get borderline A. Usually download latency of 33 ms and upload latency of 7ms and ping of around 17ms

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For me 160Mhz is a must otherwise I would have not purchased such a high end router.
Yes, I am not running SQM. When WED is enabled, SQM does not work.

I tested with WED disabled and SQM disabled and enabled, but I'm new to SQM and results didn't really made sense, with little to no variation. I configured SQM on the WiFI interface and not the WAN.

So you're definitely getting better results than me. I might be hitting an edge case.

To be fair - I can get 900mbps over WiFi, with WED, no SQM, with HT80 (in the same room of course). I would suggest testing that method to see if your bufferbloat improvesā€¦ I understand itā€™s not what you want to ideally use, but itā€™s a good step to identify if HT160 may be negatively impacting bufferbloat.

At the end of the day though, SQM is your best way to mitigate bloatā€¦ and yes, you cannot use SFO/HFO with SQM, so it will have impacts on your processing.

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What is your WAN speed for comparison to his?

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I have 1.2gbps down and 120mbps up. Also I am using 80mhz. I am getting around 800mbps down and 120mbps up on bufferbloat (through WiFi)

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Perfect, those speeds sound consistent with most. WED can push peak speeds around 900mb+ download over ht80.

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There's part of your problem. You mainly just want it on the WAN interface because then you get to properly assign overhead values. Doing that I've been able to hold A results on wifi bufferbloat tests but that was with data rate of about 50 Mbps. I think it's asking way too much to keep A when you are passing 500+ the techology just isn't there. Maybe when wifi 7 is properly adopted it might be a thing.

I don't know why you need SQM with a 2.5 Gbps uplink to start with though. Just keep everything as basic as possible. All this WED or not makes no sense. They put a 2Ghz SOC for a reason. Let it calculate.


The reason I don't use WED is because it doesn't work for me. I have 4 total MT6000s (1 is the main router and the other 3 are expensive dumb APs). When I enable WED and install bridger on my Dumb APs and I start roaming around the house, the internet stops working on my devices. I am connected with full bars and the APs show I am connected with ~1200 rx/tx. I can access the dumb APs, but just don't get internet. I am mostly an Apple household (if that matters), but it does seem to affect my windows laptop after a longer period of time. I have my 3 dumb aps (mt6000) that feed into a 2.5gbe switch, and that switch feeds into another 2.5gbe switch that connects to the main router (mt6000) lan 2.5gbe port. All my units are on SNAPSHOT r26502, and using the latest bridger version. It seems like something is broken with bridger and this issue is effecting other users as well. I created this but haven't gained any traction. I was wondering if others (for those that have it working) could share their setup with WED/Bridger and dumb APs. If i turn off WED and uninstall bridger on all dumb APs, everything works flawlessly.

These are powerful units so having WED off is fine, but it is still a nice feature that should work if I need it.

PS: Thank you @_FailSafe for all your help. He does have WED working on Dumb APs in his setup and I even copied his config, but I still couldn't get it to work.

Copy that. I know Iā€™ve read of others having issues with WED on dumbAPā€™s. I do not have this type of setup in my home, so I canā€™t provide much help there. Cheers.


I have two MT6000 APs with WED enabled. They are both connected wired via their multi gig ports => to a multi gig switch => to a x86-64 router => symmetric gig fiber internet

  • everything that can be wired, is wired
  • APs have non overlapping 80Mhz channels (not DFS channels)(one of my APā€™s settings is below, the other one has a channel on the opposite side of the spectrum)
  • transmission power on the APs is perfectly set so that the hand over is optimized for 5ghz (half way through my house there is a -67dBm overlap spot where devices will transition depending on which way I walk
  • personal devices are on 5ghz only
  • IoT devices are on 2.4ghz only
  • Had one apple device that was having issues. I reset the network settings for that client (didnā€™t work but worth a shot). I then set all the Apple devices to static ipv4 addresses (on the client) out side of the DHCP range and that Apple device is happy now. :man_shrugging:
  • below are my wireless settings, hope something above or below is helpful. I have all happy family members / happy wireless clients in my house!

_______                     ________        __
 |       |.-----.-----.-----.|  |  |  |.----.|  |_
 |   -   ||  _  |  -__|     ||  |  |  ||   _||   _|
 |_______||   __|_____|__|__||________||__|  |____|
          |__| W I R E L E S S   F R E E D O M
 OpenWrt SNAPSHOT, r26513-65f34e9928
root@OpenWrt:~# uname -a
Linux OpenWrt 6.6.32 #0 SMP Mon Jun  3 15:57:54 2024 aarch64 GNU/Linux
root@OpenWrt:~# cat /proc/device-tree/model
GL.iNet GL-MT6000
root@OpenWrt:~# cat /sys/module/mt7915e/parameters/wed_enable
root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/config/wireless

config wifi-device 'radio0'
        option type 'mac80211'
        option path 'platform/soc/18000000.wifi'
        option channel '1'
        option band '2g'
        option htmode 'HE20'
        option cell_density '1'
        option txpower '20'
        option country 'US'

config wifi-iface 'default_radio0'
        option device 'radio0'
        option network 'lan'
        option mode 'ap'
        option ssid 'Slowwifi'
        option encryption 'psk2+ccmp'
        option key ''

config wifi-device 'radio1'
        option type 'mac80211'
        option path 'platform/soc/18000000.wifi+1'
        option channel '36'
        option band '5g'
        option htmode 'HE80'
        option txpower '20'
        option cell_density '3'
        option country 'US'

config wifi-iface 'default_radio1'
        option device 'radio1'
        option network 'lan'
        option mode 'ap'
        option ssid 'FastWifi'
        option encryption 'psk2+ccmp'
        option key ''
        option ieee80211r '1'
        option ft_over_ds '0'
        option ft_psk_generate_local '1'
        option ieee80211k '1'
        option time_zone 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0'
        option wnm_sleep_mode '1'
        option wnm_sleep_mode_no_keys '1'
        option bss_transition '1'
        option time_advertisement '2'


Thank you! The thing is I have a lot of guests (Airbnb) so manually assigning all Apple devices to ipv4 address isnā€™t feasible. I do think the Bridger/WED issue is around ipv4 and ipv6 address issues

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One weird thing I am noticing is that my iPhone shows that it is connected to two separate APs at the same time. I have one ssid for both 2.4/5ghz. I am connected to 1 ap on 2.4ghz and another ap on 5ghz. I am wondering if this is causing Bridger to break? Is there anyway to kick me off 2.4ghz on the further ap and only be connected to the 5ghz ap I am closest too? Thanks!

Is this simply an iPhone quirk? Do the logs (dmesg, logread) say anything?