I'm looking for the best WiFi possible today for my house, short of adding access points. My current r7800 is doing an acceptable job, but I get some moments when my teradici work from home connection is poor since upgrading to the current release. Before the software upgrade everything worked great.
I also dislike the 32 device limit of the ath10k-ct driver.
My hope is the mt76 drivers and wifi6 on the other routers would be a step up. I'll use an USB wifi6 adapter on my PC along with this router. Should I expect any difference in WiFi quality over the r7800 or is it just throwing money away?
I'd like to buy the OpenWrt One, but it looks like the the gl-mt6000 is a few bucks cheaper and would arrive earlier as of today in Canada. It looks like it'll be better in every way for me?
The Flint 2 is has 1 2.5gbe WAN, 2.5gbe LAN, 4 1gbe LAN, roughly 2x more powerful CPU, 3x3 4x4 wireless, and more built-in storage 8GB.
The One only has 1 2.5gbe port and 1 1gbe port and 2x2 wireless, 256MB storage. But it has internal bays for an nvme SSD and the MikroBUS (e.g., for a LoRa radio or other interesting add-ins).
Both are fast and reliable, same RAM, but they are pretty different in the details.
For hands-off reliable home router use, the Flint 2 is probably a better choice. If you want to experiment with other uses like NAS, hook up a serial console, set up a backup Internet connection with an add-in card, or do development of OpenWRT itself, then The One has some unique benefits.
I have a Flint 2 - MT6000, and also the Beryl AX - MT3000 (same SoC on the OpenWrt One)
I highly recommend the Flint 2, it is really powerful, it can handle up to 800-900Mbps with SQM, the OpenVPN performance is great (around 240Mbps) and WireGuard even better (900Mbps). It is perfect if you wanna run AdGuard or Tailscale
I have a lot of things running on it and I feel like I’m not even taking the 70% of what it is capable to do. The range is solid. Go with that one you won’t regret it.
I've got both, MT6000 as main router (running PPPOE, 1gig, December Snapshot) and R7800 (January snapshot) as AP..
As far as WIFI speed (WAN speed test) is concerned this is what I get:
R7800 = 600-650 Mpbs
MT6000 = 700-800 Mpbs
The R7800 is performing very well for a router of that age.
I have seen the MT600 do 900Mpbs, and it should be able to, however I have only seen this once or twice.. I am running a "tweaked" build for MT6000, so likely to be performing slightly better than the official firmware
I've transitioned from caring about peak throughput to latency to now reliability and consistency, especially at range. The first items are effectively solved. OTOH I wanted colour changing smart bulbs on the outside of my house for Christmas, but even though my phone works fine there the signal wasn't strong enough to to use them. Any comments on how devices can help in that area?