I currently have a TP-Link Archer C80 router connected to my fiber broadband.
DHCP is disabled on my C80.
A Dell Wyse 3040 (thin client) is connected to my network and runs both PiHole and OpenVPN.
I have just bought an EDUP EP-RT2960 router which I hope will replace both the C80 and the Wyse.
I'll replace Pihole with Adguard Home.
I read the forum page about my new router and it's variants and am wondering whether I should flash 'official OpenWrt' and, if so, how to do so..?
From the forum page:
That's simple enough, I already have SSH access.
But under 'Flash Layout' the page states:
Using SSH to execute the command: cat /proc/mtd outputs:
I see no firmware and firmware2 partitions there so can I assume that I only need to follow the 'Web UI Installation' steps and not the 'Flash Layout' steps?
The 'Flash Layout' links?
Yes saw them.
But wondered if I need to take those steps as my router does not have the 2 partitions mentioned: 'firmware' and 'firmware2'.
I have just a single partition 'firmware'.
I just re-read a load of the wiki page and see posts talking specifically about the EDUP variant router where they establish this variant already has the required partition layout:
So I'll perform the wiki page's 'Web UI Installation' steps and hope that's all that's required.
I tried to perform the 'Web UI Installation' steps but failed on the very first step!
I uploaded 'openwrt-23.05.4-ramips-mt7621-sim_simax1800t-initramfs-factory.bin' via the web UI and it shows this error:
One concern I have is which firmware I should use. In this post, pabloalcantara mentioned trying the SIMAX1800T version first:
After the upload, the OpenWRT installation said it’s not compatible with the version HAR-20S2U1.
As I understand it, the SIMAX1800T factory image installed successfully, but the SIMAX1800T sysupgrade was not accepted, so he tried the HAR-20S2U1 sysupgrade instead. Am I understanding that correctly, or am I missing something?
Eventually I took a chance and simply uploaded: openwrt-23.05.4-ramips-mt7621-sim_simax1800t-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
via luci web interface.
It flashed/updated with no problems and works fine.
As far as I can tell there is no need to flash: openwrt-23.05.4-ramips-mt7621-sim_simax1800t-initramfs-factory.bin
I bought the version with openwrt pré installed.
With that, I could upgrade using HAR-20S2U1 and its working perfectly.
Don't use the simax, use the har.
I dont know if all of them is using a custom openwrt, but mine was. I ordered specific with the wrt version (I even payed a little more for this) , what I was upset, was because it was using an custon version, só I searched until I find one oficial compatible version.
Thanks for your reply! I tried booting the SIMAX1800Tkernel.bin from the Tftpd64 server, and it successfully booted. I’m able to SSH into it and confirm that it’s not the stock firmware running.
Next, I’ll attempt a sysupgrade using openwrt-23.05.4-ramips-mt7621-sim_simax1800t-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin via the stock LuCI web interface.