I have bought this router, the EDUP EP=RT2960 that could come pre-installed with OpenWRT. I have received it, and the strange thing that I found is that an customized openwrt version.
I asked the support wha version I could download directly from OpenWRT repositori, but it replys the e-mail with another customized version.
As always, I´m very skeptical about this "customized" versions, because it could have something nasty inside it.
I´d like some help if anyone here could show me the real version of it:
Original from edup: From EDUP site
It is already wonderful they provide current release albeit with hidden customizations. dont be so pessimistic. If they go up in sales somebody will connect serial or jtag and try discovering their hidden work.
I'm not saying you're wrong here -- I don't have any specific information to suggest that this is not a 'clean' 3rd party firmware -- but how can you vouch for it if you haven't seen the source code from which is is built?
You may find it funny, but I am serious. Using the word 'vouch' means that you can affirm something that I'm not sure you are qualified to do (or if you are qualified, it doesn't seem likely you've spent the time to be able to promise this).
Typically, this would mean some sort of authoritative knowledge of OpenWrt and a full review of the source code in the 3rd party firmware to ensure that it doesn't contain any modified code (or even just config defaults) that could create a that a vulnerability or other unexpected/unknown behavior or code (relative to OpenWrt). Unless you have performed this complete review, you should not be 'vouching' that code from another source is effectively identical to OpenWrt and clean from any questionable code.
Again, I'm not saying you're incorrect, nor am I implying that this firmware is indeed malicious. But until and unless the code is reviewed by experts, you cannot and should not make statements vouching for the security of any 3rd party code.
(exceptions usually made for stuff that is submitted/built by recognized and trustworthy developers.)
@pabloalcantara can you get the mtd layout here? Firmware update you posted mentions simax1800t as target, if layout is identical you are 99% safe to flash as if it was simax1800t without having to worry about serial cables.