Faster DTS troubleshooting

Hi knowledgeable ones,

I am (slowly) learning and working on adding Bluetooth support to:
see for more info:

However it has been painfully slow to make an update to the .dts file and then wait almost half a day for the build to succeed (or fail).

Is there a faster way to:

  1. compile/validate the .dts
  2. package the image with the updated dtb

My current process is:

# one time, and select only arch (rampips) and target ubnt_unifi-6-lite
make menuconfig
make download

# then every time I want to build after updating the .dts file:
make -j $(nproc) V=sc -j1 CDBG=-w

Thank you!

You apply -j twice. I suppose the latter one causes only one job to be used.

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If you just make changes to the dts, they'll be picked up by Make as a signal that the kernel needs to be recompiled.

Make your changes, then just do:

nohup make -j $(nproc) V=sc &

... and then watch nohup.out fill up.

Good luck!

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