Enable SSH for TP-Link Archer AXE75


I want to get into my new TP Link Archer AXE75 - I have read another post about someone who has SSH access to a similar device AXE73 :: TPLink AX73 uses OpenWrt, so can we modify it?

Can someone please advise if this is possible and how I can achieve this

Thank you

apparently not similar enough.
since you're running the tp-link fw, you should really ask them.
or try https://github.com/aaronsvk/CVE-2022-30075


I used this tool to get root access!

Thank you very much ! appreciate you giving me the information - i will give this a try

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Tried to decrypt backup of AX73v2, not worked, possibly the key and iv are not the same as AX50, or it has changed since pre-required firmware to work best before unpatched of 'june 2022', downgraded to earliest firmware (AX73(US)_V2_221104) with no success.
@kododake did you root AX73v1 or v2?

Don't ask us about it, ask the creator of the CVE tool, or TP-Link.

Also, v1 <> v2.

Sorry, not asking, just talking about

Closing this thread because it the device is not supported by OpenWrt and thus this is off-topic.