Dynalink DL-WRX36 Askey RT5010W IPQ8072A technical discussion

Picked up one of these off Spamazon and installation with RC2 was relatively painless. (I haven't found the "fallback to USB stick" boot command however; that would be nice in case I hose myself, since I DO have the stick with the good initfs firmware on it!)

Having trouble with getting VLANs to work on this thing -- I lose connectivity immediately on the LAN side if I attempt to set up VLAN 1 as untagged, default on the ports (VLAN 3 tagged as well, which I intend to use for a second SSID) both over the same physical jack of course.

Done through Luci it reverts on its own when it doesn't stay linked but if I do it manually (e.g. vi via ssh) using the same config that I used on a RT-AX53U I wind up having to hard-reset since that's an actual change in the config files. Posted a note on it here; is there something difference with the switch in these that makes for a different configuration requirement? OpenWRT on Dynalink WRX36 VLAN Problems

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