I have just received a BT Home Hub 5 pre-installed with OpenWrt 18.06.4 r7808-ef686b7292.
There is little to no help online, or on these forums on how to set up the connection using the built-in DSL interface. Well, unless you already know how to do it.
So the question is: Is there a simple set of step by step instructions or youtube, that will guide me through setting up my OpenWrt router utilising the built-in DSL/VDSL interface using PPPoE and then allowing me to connect to the Wifi to get internet connectivity?
I have googled so many things that my head is now spinning
I have long left DSL hell, so I have no idea how to solve your problem. But the ISP page on the OpenWRT wiki looks promising. Have you checked the UK section? There is a section for BT VSDL.
Right. To follow the wiki, you at least need some generic Linux/Unix knowledge, so that you can log in with SSH, edit files and run commands. And yes, networking knowledge will absolutely make things easier.
It seems like luci (the web interface) should have options to set up ADSL, which combined with the BT-specific instructions should make it possible to set up your modem through the GUI. But since I don't have that sort of hardware I can't help you. Hopefully someone with similar hardware will find this thread. You could also try to post a question in the forum where the wiki instruction is taken from.
You should also know that 18.06 is fairly old and will be out of security patch support as soon as 20.0x is out, which is hopefully... any year now.
Edit: Ah, BT Home hub, but not BT? That may complicate things.
I was using a Draytek Vigor 130. Here's the settings I used on the modem which confirms VL:AN ID 101. My modem was set in bridge mode and it passed through the PPPOE connection to the Openwrt