Connecting to PlusNet Broadband

Hi all,

I'm struggling to connect to my OpenWRT router to PlusNet ISP. I am in the UK, and this is via a normal phone line, no fibre box or anything like that..

I'm using plusnet router that has been configured with OpenWRT, same router as BT Hub 5 but in white plastic. I bought it configured form ebay, it's actually brand new. (It's the same as the router that PlusNet provided to us, but their user interface is dreadful).

I have tried to follow the guidance here: Connecting to Plusnet With OpenWrt - #10 by dl12345 but am struggling to get it to connect to broadband.

On the router, the "b" broadband LED is illuminated blue, but flashes off very briefly every second or so.

(I've used *** to hide sensitive info below)

OpenWRT Luci Status screen:

dsl 0 says connected, but has a rad bar. Shows a few kb of transferred data.

DSL status:

Line State: Showtime with TC-Layer sync
Line Mode: G.993.2 (VDSL2, Profile 17a)
Line Uptime: 0h 9m 37sData Rate: 43.999 Mb/s / 17.208 Mb/s
Noise Margin: 8.3 dB / 6.0 dB

Edit wan interface:

Protocol: PPPoE
Device: dsl0
Bring up on boot: ticked
PAP/CHAP username: ***
PAP/CHAP password ***
Access Concentrator: Auto
Service Name: Auto

Network > Interfaces:

"lan" is green, all ok - I can access luci and ssh to the router.

wan is highlighted red.

it notes: dsl0

Protocol: PPPoE
MAC: ***
RX: 41.10 KB (685 Pkts.)
TX: 9.77 KB (149 Pkts.)
Error: Connection attempt failed

Network > DSL:

Annex: ADSL (all variants) Annex A/L/M
Tone: A43C + J43 + A43
Encapsulation mode: PTM/EFM (Packet Transfer Mode)
DSL line mode: VDSL
Downstream SNR offser: 0.0 dB
Firmware File: n/a

I don't profess to know what I'm doing, I just have tried to follow the guidance. I did this once before on PlusNet and got it working years ago with another similar OpenWRT BT Hub 5 router (now long dead), so am trying to get back to using Open WRT again.

Can anyone please spot any errors, or suggest any other settings to look at?

Many thanks, Scott.

ISTR that the interface for PPPoE is dsl0.101 rather than dsl0, so try that.

(Reading your linked thread seems to confirm this).

Yes, that did it! Thanks!

I had seen the mention of dsl0.101 in the guide but didn't know where to find it, only seeing dsl.0 in menus.

Solution for anyone else reading:
Status > Overview > Interfaces
Edit wan
Device: at the bottom of the drop down list you can manuallt type in a new device name, so type in dsl0.101 and PRESS ENTER on the keyboard to accept the new entry.
Then Save the changes in the settings box,
Then Save and Apply in the Interfaces screen.

In the interfaces screen, the logo for wan is still highlighted red, indicating that something else may still be amiss, but I'm not sure what.

But it works now, many thanks for the help.

Cheers, Scott

That's the normal colour for a device in the wan firewall zone. It's not indicating an issue.

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Brilliant, got it, thank you!

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