Brick edgerouter x

I cannot read the language but I guess it means that he cannot find the program scp. As I wrote already:

The commands are different if you use Windows. I don't use Windows here. spc is a Linux command line tool. pspc.exe is the same for windows. So you have to use pspc.exe. It has to be downloaded before.

Beside that you have added things after root@ ... This is wrong!

If you have both pscp.exe and openwrt-19.07.4-ramips-mt7621-ubnt-erx-sfp-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin within you C:\Program Files\Putty you can upload your file with:

pscp.exe openwrt-19.07.4-ramips-mt7621-ubnt-erx-sfp-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin root@

friend I am really sorry for the inconvenience I am causing, I think I will have to settle for losing the router

The command looks good now.

Network error. Did you connect your PC with ethernet cable to your router port 2/eth1 correctly?

You are almost there. You are just lacking basic computer knowledge. :smiley:

yes friend, if i use the serial cable i wouldn't be able to use tftp64 to load the image?

something else, I can only ping by placing the ip manually, is it normal?

You have installed OpenWrt already (but not fully). The tftp part is for broken installation required.
2nd part is to finish installation of OpenWrt. No need for tftp. You could still use tftp to finish installation ... But that is more complex then proceed with that we have already.

You should get and IP automatically. But if you can ping it should be fine to upload the file via pscp.

This is ok. just accept.
Edit: Keep your photos private and remove it. I've got the info already. :smiley:

that's what happens when trying to keep ipv4 on automatic

and in manual I'm getting that internet error

the sysupgrade image go in:

cd /tmp

If the upload has finished successfully go back to the cmd from before where you on OpenWrt and enter:

cd tmp
sysupgrade -v -n -F openwrt-19.07.4-ramips-mt7621-ubnt-erx-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin

and wait for reboot.

Did you upload the file now? Internet connectivity is not important now.

I'm not able to upload the image, I keep getting error messages

I will try using the computer that has windows 10

Hmm ... That is odd!

That means the OpenWrt installation you have booted is corrupt or sth. else is wrong with your ethernet connection.

Yes try another computer if it is getting an IP automatically. Make sure your PC is connected into port 2 of the router NOT port 1 (the first one from the left)!

I'm using eth1, it would be good for someone who had windows to help me, you're helping a lot I just have to thank you

If you still get no IP on eth1 aka port 2 then I have no clue why.

I would recommend to go back to EdgeOS first and start the process from scratch again.

This guide is windows based. But it is not trivial/easy for beginners at all.

I would also recommend to take a break and start over another day to refresh the brain. I know that those things can be very stressfull. :slight_smile:

my initial idea was this, but as it is with openwrt i have no idea how to activate tftp

you can try download and install winscp.exe on your pc

  1. open winscp, use scp protocol and transfer the sysupgrade in tmp folder of the router.

  2. open putty connect to the router via ssh.

  3. copy these two lines one at a time and hit enter for each one

cd /tmp

sysupgrade -v -n -F openwrt-19.07.4-ramips-mt7621-ubnt-erx-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin

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