Belkin RT3200/Linksys E8450 WiFi AX discussion

You are probably experiencing kernel/driver crashes which result in the bootloader loading recovery (to avoid boot loop). Check the content /sys/fs/pstore on the device once it booted into recovery. Removing the crashlog there should also restore booting to normal production firmware without having to disconnect the device from power.


I am pulling my hair out and hope for some knowledge transfer. Is the .1q vlan features working on this platform? It seems at best different than the guides and seemingly no matter my process it won't work. So maybe operator error or it isn't yet supported?

It is supported. But for full flexibility you need to fully use switch-vlans.

Put all the Ethernet ports (including wan) in the same bridge. The br-lan can be used for that but I like to rename it br-eth to avoid name confusion.
Work out VLAN numbers for all networks that you will be switching. The ones that will be tagged externally must match the number that the external device wants. Generally 1 is used for lan and 2 for wan unless those numbers are otherwise dictated externally.
Create a switch-vlan for each vlan, including the internal ones. Mark the physical ports tagged, untagged, or off in each vlan as the external connections require.
Connect each VLAN to its network's layer 3 config interface with the notation option device br-eth.X

This ends up making you think like it is swconfig all along, but it does work.

If you have the simple case of needing a single VLAN tag for your ISP modem, and the wan port won't be hardware switched to any other port you can just change option device wan to option device wan.X in the wan interface. This is a special case. You cannot do this on lan ports that are switched to other ports, it will not set up the switch properly.

Since this device uses DSA, you need to use Bridge VLAN Filtering as described at .


My experience with my Linksys E8450 tells me that both Bridge VLAN Filtering and configuring individual LAN/WAN interfaces should work just as well.

I previously tried configuring one of the LAN interface as VLAN tagged interface and bridging the LAN.x interface to br-lan. I also tried configuring using the Bridge VLAN Filtering method as suggested by the link posted above. Both methods seems to work similarly. So I guess it's down to invidual preferences.

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Thank you. Turns out when I paused on came back to it I was able to make .1q vlan work as well. Just making silly mistakes.

I haven't tried VLAN with my RT3200. But previously I tried VLAN in my Netgear R7800 that was running @hnyman's DSA build (with @Ansuel's patches When I tried tagging individual interfaces with vlan and then bridging them together (to create 2 separate LAN networks, main and guest), I could not get it to work. I had to use Bridge VLAN filtering to make it work.

I still have my R7800 but I am now primarily using RT3200 as my router. I may try DSA in R7800 once it is merged in master and SNAPSHOT builds are available.

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I supposed the DSA driver for the ipq806x is still very much a WIP, so the switches are probably not correctly configured.

I'm also waiting for the master branch to switch over to DSA for the ipq806x before I start fiddling with enabling the NSS acceleration for it.

Back to the mt7622 (i.e. my E8450) it's working great as my WiFi 6 router. The latest mt76 drivers seems to have resolved a lot of the issues I'm seeing previously. So eagerly waiting for more improvements in terms of better 5G range and more bug fixes ... heh heh.

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(sorry for the ot) can you post on the dsa pr the problem you had with dsa?
Current situation is that it should work in any feature except it does have some speed regression due to the lack of support of multicpu. (we have a pr but it does have some problem with vlan or some complex configuartion)

For me DS works very fine! I think i have a complet setup with 5 vlans and an untagged. Additional 2 physicla ports are in 1 of these vlans and the other 3 in an additional vlan. No problems
But its better to set every MAC manually! First i had some trouble with it. Beside that automatically MAC assignment changed over time and did not work always (does it meanwhile?)

The only real problem with the device for me: the really bad 5ghz Wlan! Most time my devices connect to another acess-points in another rooms with good speed. E8450 does "see" ally my access-points, but none of them does see the E8450 - 2,5ghz works in both directions^^

I had my setup like this:

Raspberry Pi 4B (main router) running OpenWrt 21.02 or SNAPSHOT (I don't remember which version)
RTL8152 USB 3.0 to GIgabit Ethernet Adapter: eth1 connecting to cable modem (WAN)
RPi In-built Gigabit Ethernet Port: eth0 -> eth0.21 is lan_1 network and eth0.22 is lan_2 network

RPi In-built Gigabit Ethernet Port connected to R7800 WAN port

R7800 config that didn't work:
lan_1 network: Brigde: wan.21 + lan1 + lan3 + lan4 ports -> connected to eth0.21 of RPi
lan_2 network: Bridge: wan.22 + lan2 ports -> connected to eth0.22 of RPi

R7800 config that worked:
Create Bridge 1st: switch0: wan + lan1 + lan2 + lan3 + lan4 ports
lan_1 network: bridge vlan: switch0.21 -> wan (tagged) + lan1 (untagged) + lan3 (untagged) + lan4 (untagged)
lan_2 network: bridge vlan: switch0.22 -> wan (tagged) + lan2 (untagged)

I have to locate the R7800's exact /etc/config/network that I used, but what I described above is how it was setup with DSA.

My current setup with my RT3200:
Internet: wan port -> to cable modem
lan_1 network: bridge: lan1 + lan2 + lan3 ports
lan_2 network: lan4 port

EDIT: R7800, I haven't tried recent DSA builds. This was with 3-4 builds earlier. In the mean time I think the pull request was split into separate LEDs patches and separate multi-port patches. I think the build that I used had multi-port enabled.

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I can confirm with the new build "OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r18297" SQM started working appropriately on Wifi i.e. rating A+ on Bufferbloat site. It was always working on LAN.

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hi what is your settings of sqm ? thanks i has the same version

and why do not use qosify

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        config queue 'eth1'
        option debug_logging '1'
        option verbosity '5'
        option upload '45000'
        option download '90000'
        option interface 'pppoe-wan'
        option qdisc 'cake'
        option script 'piece_of_cake.qos'
        option linklayer 'none'
        option enabled '1'

What is qosify? Can you share the package name?

yes qosify is ebpf with cake

this name is just Qosify :slight_smile:

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I did check qosify. It looks a little complicated while configuring. Also, it doesn't have luci support. Maybe I will stick to sqm since it works.

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do you has a fiber connection ?

Yes I have a fibre connection. Test result on Wifi

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when i talk the fiber i speak to 1gbits :wink:


:rofl: :rofl:. I have a 100/50 mbps line on fiber connection. My earlier results were always B or C