Asus TUF AX4200 support

And out of luck, do you know if there are any plans to somehow change the implementation so that this requirement disappears? Or is it some hardware limitation?

Could you confirm problems with 160MHz channels?

What speed can i get with 160MHz channel width on this router?

I performed tests with AX210 and MT7922 clients.
AX210 WIFI <-> MT7922 WIFI
Average throughput was 85MB/s so much better than AX210 <-> AX210.

With 160MHz I have also 1Gb in four rooms. The router is located in the attic (placed upside down :wink: ) above the wooden truss.

more tests on the stock firmware ( contain mt_wifi driver ) you can find here:

ask Asus, you're trying to install openwrt running their FW.
or keep hoping someone comes up with a workaround, it happens.
I wouldn't hold my breath.

it's a sw limitation.

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Hi. When you have router with MUMIMO 3x3 it means that router support 3 streams for upload and download. When you have one client 2x2 then it doesn't matter. When you have more clients and you try transfer data between wifi clients then its much more important because for two clients you have only 3 streams. When you have MUMIMO 3x3:2 it means that you have 3 streams for download and only 2 for upload.

Any plans to add an official OpenWRT page with installation instructions for this devices? I can see the instructions here, but many users might actually miss this wonderful peace of hardware. :slight_smile:
You have some really nice progress there.

Anyone can do so. It's just a matter of requesting wiki access here: Applying for OpenWrt wiki account
Though maybe it's too soon considering you can only install openwrt from serial/TFTP and there's no known process to revert back to stock. IDK what the prerequisite are for the device to be considered "ready".

It is.
Some devices can't be flashed in any other way.
As for recovery, it's not always documented by the person posting the device commit.

I'll try to remember to create a hw and device page for it, later today.

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As this device is very similar, I'd thought I'd test the revert procedure by @liushiyou006 on the tufax4200. It worked perfect. So there is now a revert to OEM option available on this device.


Good job.

I tried to create a device page yesterday, but for some reason the template doesn't get populated with the entries from the hwdata page.

I have not special auths in the wiki, so I've asked some mods to look into it.

It's time for soldering :slight_smile: Thanks for your support! :smiley:

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It's been working great on my main router for the past couple weeks. For a newly supported device running newer hardware, it works much better than some 3~4 year old qualcomm devices (DSA performance on ipq40xx is a massive regression, just sayin').

Hello all and thank you for bringing openwrt to another accessible router!
I was wondering if hardware nat is supported on this one, and if stability is good enough for it to be used as the main router.

I keep on trying to convince myself that asuswrt is good enough, but after using openwrt for more than 5 years and having all that freedom, not even routerOS seems enough now :smile:

Hello, I don't use nat and WED with openwrt on this device. Without these options after two days stability looks ok. I compared transfers for two clients on the wifi and with bridged WAN. CPU usage is higher then on the stock software but wifi looks a little bit better coverage and connections between two wifi clients are also +10MB/s when you compare with stock software.
I tested on the snapshot (OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r23550-8f7be2a2ba) regards

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Thank you for your reply @patrykk , I guess I will do a flash over the weekend.
One more question, what did you use to flash the router?
I already have a raspberry pi 3 , and a ch341a(bios flasher) and i was wondering if I can get by without buying anything else.

Thanks again for such a timely reply, much much appreciated :slight_smile:

Flashing the ax4200 requires serial console access.;a=commit;h=e7c399bee677e9bac66e1bea697aefb8d828edfe


I opened carefully case with plastic tool, pressed to the serial pins without soldering( rx,tx and ground) . I glued the wires to the case with insulating tape. Connected LAN to the router switch and connected the switch power cable. I used usb to TTL pl2303. You can try use ch341a also if you have TTL on output.

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I enabled WED and can see information about it in the kernel log

[   12.728174] mt798x-wmac 18000000.wifi: attaching wed device 0 version 2
[   12.825829] platform MTK WED WO Firmware Version: DEV_000000, Build Time: 20221012175005
[   12.835145] platform MTK WED WO Chip ID 00 Region 3
cat /sys/module/mt7915e/parameters/wed_enable

but I cant see any bindings
cat /sys/kernel/debug/mtk_ppe/bind

and CPU usage not reduced.

Anything in /sys/kernel/debug/ppe0/bind?