Adding OpenWrt Support for Netgear RAX120 (Nighthawk AX12)

Got to add, RAX120 with SWRT seems to work better than WRX36 on Openwrt in compatability tests, having no issues with some devices that refused to connect with my WRX36 or RAX120 with default NetGear FW.
Still I have a WRX36 acting as my main router and the RAX120 as an AP.

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Seems like the recent openwrt snapshot's stability has been improved:

Previously with 2023-08's version or 2024-02's version, my rax120v2 reboots every 1-2 days, and wifi connection loses every few hours. Also I have experienced a bug, that in some case the router keeps rebooting while WAN is connected.

Now I have been keep running OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r25318 (kernel version 6.1.79) for almost 6 days, good so far.

It looks like this PR may help with radio Tx power, judging by some of the comments. I haven't tested myself yet though.

I tested briefly. No change in Tx power, still low.

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This change only affects the correct setting of MAC addresses for wireless interfaces.

As for the low power, the BDF probably requires some editing, but I can't help with that.

Hi! Could you please re-upload BDF from the latest firmware? It works with 2 radios perfectly, with 30dBm TX. Current link is expired.

And Rax120 is very stable at snapshot, after 14 days of work as my AP at NAS, there is no problems at all. Im very exiting of new version of OWRT with RAX support at regular builds.
The absence of HE160 is not a problem; anyway, even on standard firmware there are practically no differences in speed between HE80 and HE160.

Agreed, RAX120 is shaping up nicely. Once the radio Tx power gets sorted out, I can replace my R7800 that is in use for the house's main router.

Which link exactly?

With BDF above TX power with PA region 30dBm at 5G and 2.4G, like at stock. Only 80HT, but its fine.

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I am curious if anyone has played around more with IRQ balancing on top of the commit here. Seems like some of the WiFi instability I had way earlier was from changing CPU assignments for IRQs that really should not be changed. It was just poking around from my side since this router and WiFi was not my daily driver and had only limited attention. I see that currently the snapshot version is reported by community members to be very stable, and only some IRQs are re-distributed (as per the commit above).

The IRQ balancing topic for IPQ807x has already been touched upon in other threads and seems like there are a lot of IRQs that should not be touched, maybe even most of them. I am just curious if somebody already had the curiosity and time to dig deeper here and have some more info.

I use the IRQBALANCE package on my router and don’t do any additional settings, I just change the line in the configuration file to enable it (option enable '1'). I turn it on every time I set it up on any router, I don’t even know how it works, but I didn’t notice any instability in Wi-Fi operation from this on the RAX120.

Just updated to current snapshot (2024/4/30-ish). Kernel 6.6.29. Seems to be working as "normal". The 5Gbit port is connecting at 2.5Gbit as it should when connected to 2.5G, I don't have a 5Gbit ethernet port to test. Would be nice if I didn't have to reinstall luci, but all my settings were retained.

snapshot has wifi package preinstalled:
ipq-wifi-netgear_rax120v2 2024.04.26~644ba9ea-r1
Not sure how this relates to above BDF discussion? The 5G perf is still horrible, but I still like the 5Gbit ethernet port and 2.4G has been reliable for me.

Could someone please repost the BDF that fixes the Tx power problem for 5G wifi? I just caught up on this thread and all the D/L links are dead. Thanks!


THANK YOU, and thanks to all that helped along the way.

Just installed BDF, and 5G is so so SOOO much better. Near gigabit at the other end of the house compared to a few megabit from a few feet away previously. Just looking at link speeds ATM, will play more over next few days. Thanks!

Is there anyone NOT restricted by an NDA that has info on BDF files/config?

For some reason, my second 5G interface disappears with this file. What am I doing wrong?

(OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r26152-fc221b065a / LuCI Master 24.120.25050~8f2dfa7)

There is no error. This BDF does not enable the second radio because it's a generic BDF. There's nothing that can be done about it.

Also important note - with this BDF HT160 (160Mhz wight) does not work!

Thanks for the clarification. Is there any hope that both interfaces will work well?

I think there is no hope, I'm already asked guys from neighboring topics and nobody cant help.

I installed the latest snapshot (r26171-3f28c422ba), and installed LuCI. My MultiGig port does not work at all. Does anyone else have this issue? Posting this because folks have posted about WiFi but I didn't see any mentions about the MultiGig port.