I can't get the 21.02-snapshot-r16232-febf6db0d0 (EdgeRouter4) to read the /etc/tz file. The file exist and I can read it from PuTTy. It changes to the correct time zone every time I in LuCi system settings change time zone. I have also tried installing the Europe time zone package in hope for good luck but without any luck.
No matter what I do the system time in LuCi overview, date command and system log always show UTC time!? But the time in LuCi system time settings read the correct local time.
Ok, I can guarantee ER4 doesn’t have any RTC because when I installed my latest snapshot I didn’t have the internet line connected so NTP didn’t work. And then the time was mega much unsynced. I then synced it with the browser.
So whatever happens the clock need external input to be on time.
Do you know if your fault ended up as a bug report?
They have a mailing list and irc for support. From my experience there are very knowledgeable and talented people on the mailing list, very helpful, too.
What am I supposed to ask and what am I supposed to do with the answer? I don’t write programs any longer and I don’t have time to dig down into the source code of musl or OpenWRT. I am a user, I set the timezone in OpenWRT and it either works or doesn’t. If it doesn’t work for a lot of users it is probably a bug that our developers will solve a lot quicker than me.
I noticed by chance today when I was connected to to router and was disabling the write log file setting with WinSCP that all files and folders on the router are stamped with UTC time also.
If I run date in the terminal it shows UTC time.
The only time I have found that is actually correct is the Local time in LuCi System general settings. Everything else is UTC time.
Is there a risk that the bug report won't be routed to the proper person(s) because of the typo in the platform name? (octeGon, vs octeon)
I don't know how this system routes reports, or if it even has a bot doing that task, but since some do, thought I should ask...
To be honest I don’t have a clue how the bug report system works more than the “write a bug if something is wrong”?
But it feels that if the bug report system can’t handle this kind of typo not much will happen to many bug reports and I don’t think I even can change the bug report anyway after it’s made. I can only insert extra info.
Thanks for submitting it, though. I'm grateful for your effort - it's been annoying to see this bug on what otherwise has been a very nice platform in my experience.