ZYXEL EX5601 zloader unlock

I have no firmware upload option in my routers Web UI :frowning:
So I am trying this route:

- As soon as you read that press enter, type root and than press enter again (just do it, don't care about the logs scrolling).
- Most likely the router is still printing the boot log, leave it boot until it stops.
- If everything went ok you should have full root access "root@EX5601-T0:/#".

I type root and we get an incorrect login - it even looks like the device is already running an OpenWrt!!!

This is a BT Openreach unit possibly via my service provider.

I can get to ZySH but not ZHAL

The original method in the commit message may not work any more due to Zyxel / ISP firmware updates. A different flashing method using a custom uboot is described in the topic linked below around post 300. This does require you to open the device and use a serial connection. It also does not allow you to easily go back to stock Zyxel firmware since it changes the storage layout. I've converted multiple EX5601s with the custom uboot method and it always worked.

Thanks @konus but my issue is that when I press enter and type root I get the "Login incorrect" and can not even try any of the unlock steps...

Yes this install method is not guaranteed to work any more due to zyxel firmware updates however the alternative install method with the custom uboot will work since it bypasses the installed firmware completely.