Zbt wg1602 usb 3.0?

I have a zbt wg1602 device the router based on mt7621Aat SoC has dual mPCIe slots with usb 2.0 standard support for dual LTE modems and dual sim card slot and has external USB port (PORT connector is USB 3.0) but the port is USB 2.0 standard evident when connecting a flash drive.

My issue:
1- as the manifacturer states we cannot use external usb port with the first mPCIe slot as they are wired to the same bus (we can control to chose either one programtically using a GPIO pin) but I really need both mPCIe slots and the external USB port to be active.

2- the port is USB 3.0 hardware and the mt7621 datasheet states it has support to USB 3.0, but as stated earlier it is usb 2.0 only , is there a way to get USB 3.0 .

sugesstion: the device has a third mPCIe (no usb support but full PCI lane as stated by manifacturer) is there an adapter or a mod/hack to get USB 3.0 active preferably, but USB 2.0 is also acceptable.

any Ideas suggestion is much appreciated, thank you.

no hack, but an addon ...


is there a driver for this on openwrt?

There's a whole bunch of these cards out there, and I can imagine they use various chips.
You'll have to look for the specs, Deloc doesn't list them.

Note the power cable required (the white connector) to deliver additional power
to the devices attached to the USB3 ports..

On the one listed here, the chip markings are at least readable.
Another one.

Thank you for the recommendations, I see this as an actual solution, but I hope it is supported by openwrt software so I need to research more into this .

Check the "Linux driver" PDF (under Downloads) from https://www.sybausa.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=125, same dual port chip as the ebay auction - D720202.
It might contain some useful info, even though the doc is for Linux kernel 2 :slight_smile:

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Hi dear, I'd buy a WG2107 that looks exacly as Your One but equipped wid two mPCIe cell expansion.

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