I never got v4 working, but I'm getting the same with 3.4.7 after I updated from 21.02 to 22.03.
Running the startup script generated a bunch of IPTables errors.
I literally just signed up to the forum to look for help and I think the issue that IPTables isn't there anymore. "Firewall4 is used by default, superseding the iptables-based firewall3 implementation" - source:
Being a numpty, my questions are:
Is there an easy translate from FW3 to FW4, or will this be something the application author needs to fix to work with FW4? [fwiw I think the author has gone]
If we install IPTables back into 22.03, will it break anything?
Would it effectively put us back to FW3?
And....how do I do it? There's a truck load of iptables packages in the Luci software installer - do I need em all?