after realising that the fresh stable has been released i immediately flashed it as sysupgrade over my well running snapshot build. After reboot i realized again the WIFI problem which i encountered with older snapshot builds. In the past this problem yould be fixed by removing the async-probe from mt7615e.
Now with the stable again my WIFI is not working and there is no mt7615e inside /etc/modules.d
Can anybody please give me a hint to get the stable running including WIFI ?!
I didn't check as i expected that a stable for the router should have everything available to run WLAN.
In order to check i would need to flash again the stable. Are you sure with your command?
as i was not sure whether i made the opkg update before i tried it again.
same result
First lines show the end of opkg update.
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_telephony
Signature check passed.
You're absolutely right, but at the time support got added, the FOSS drivers did not support the MT7615E radio yet. I will send in a patch so 19.07.1 gets built with mt7615e support included for this device.