Xiaomi Mi Router 4A Gigabit Edition (R4AG/R4A Gigabit) -- fully supported and flashable with OpenWRTInvasion

Hello. First, thank you for the custom firmware, been using it since v1.3 and it has been rock solid on my 4AGig.

I am experiencing the same situation described by @poyeland with the package zerotier.

Always solved it by building from source, which has proven to be reliable since v1.3 stable.

Yes, unfortunately any package that needs a specific kernel module just wont work as the hashes are different. Its better if people, compiles what they want from source and build their own image.

Openwrt 21.02 should be around the corner then you wont need to do this any longer.

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Sorry if i asked wrong..
i am new to openwrt
I want to install openwrt in my Mi Router 4A gigabit edition
i have another router TLWR 841N V13 (https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/tp-link/tp-link_tl-wr841n_v13)
i used to flash stable build of openwrt release using u-boot tftp method
But for Mi Router 4A there is no stable build available
only snapshot builds are available and it doesnt comes with LUCi
i dont know to compile,,,
so i asked for openwrt firmware with luci

@aaron2421 U can follow this video by @hoddy https://youtu.be/VxzEvdDWU_s

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openvpn-openssl, yes i flash with your version.
i go try latest snapshot

I've fixed this issue now, will do another release.

@poyeland Fixed images and imagbuilder https://gitlab.com/db260179/xiaomi-m4a/-/releases/v1.5.2-stable


For the 4A Gig if that is what you have, there are plenty of versions with Luci installed e.g:


DB's also has a tool for building your own very simply and documentation on how too.

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Yep, and a small readme to help - https://gitlab.com/db260179/xiaomi-m4a/-/blob/stable/README_mi4a.md

The filesystem on your windows or macosx wont be case sensitive, so will have same problems that openwrt states in its documentation. Best spin up a linux vm then install docker and run this docker build image if you are doing it yourself.


Thanks again for all your hard work on this!



for the OpenWRTInvasion method, wich version from db260179's files (v1.5.2) should I use? kernel or sysupgrade?

Sysupgrade file


I just bought the Chinese version of the Mi 4A Gigabit router
Then I bought the one already installed openwrt, I tried to upgrade the openwrt version but I bricked my router,

I've tried debricking using a tutorial from hoddy using tinypxe, I've also tried using mirepairtool, but the result is only purple blink even though I've waited 2 hours more, but nothing works, now it's still bricked with orange lights

Is there any other way? I have bought the ch341 tool but I don't understand how to use it, can anyone give me a tutorial?

Thank you very much

got my 4A Gig arrive, comes with 2.28.58 FW, flashing with R3GV2 Patch, load with fw 1.5.2 stable done perfectly.. now try with 20.02 snapsot, hope nothing issue

thx for great job

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THX A LOT :slight_smile: great job


Hello! I have a Noobie question.. :slightly_smiling_face: What's the different between the firmware that I'm building with the image builder using the latest snapshot files and the one compiled from the source?

the new snapshot include luci


both should be the same (at least on binary level after decompresig into squashfs), however using imagebulder gives you an opportunity to add build-in package like pppoe,luci, 6to4, uhttpd etc... So you don't have to manually install it after flashing firmware
For more details please see official guide: https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/additional-software/imagebuilder

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I wonder if that's better than the regular snapshot?

If you are testing a router or a package etc, then snapshots are ideal. Otherwise the regular release will be more stable

Hi, im new here

I have mi4a 100m(non gigabit) router and since I have other plugin that i want to use and read somewhere its better to build from source, Ive try to build from github and checkout with tag 19.07.7(since its mention here https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/xiaomi/xiaomi_mi_router_4a_100m),
compile using make and it did build a sysupgrade file in /bin/target folder

However it brick the router and ive been trying @hoddy method ever since. My case is the same as Hard Bricked Xiaomi 4A Gigabyte but i managed to get boot display via tinypxe output if pc is connected via non-ethernet port, if connected via ethernet ive get no dhpd found. Still trying to figure out and i appreciate any help given

Moving along, what are the correct way to checkout and adjust feed conf based on commit hash? is it ok if i just add commit hash to feed conf?

Thank you very much.