Xiaomi AX3600 Configuration

hope this helps.. even though openwrt_5g is showing .. no clients able to find or connect to it. as if SSID is hidden or restricted.

Not sure whats the issue..

Try channel 36 or 44. The channel 177 might be disabled or restricted in your area.

yes it is blocked. but why auto didnt recognize and set appropriate channel.. 36 and 44 works

Auto/ ACS is not guaranteed to work, nor to make 'smart' choices (in the beginning it was pretty much equivalent to use the first available channel, so ch1 or ch36, that only became smarter in recent years). While I haven't read the thread for your locale, ch177 might be legal in your country, but just be occupied by a radar installation, which takes precedence. This can be investigated further, but that takes a bit more.

Thanks. I need another help. I have opnsense and configured openwrt as dumbap.

Earlier I had my interface ip address as dhcp but today I changed to static. After that I'm not able to access the luci. Wifi still works

I am very much in favour of using DHCP-client for everything (down to the last screw) but the (single-) central router, as this allows renumbering (if necessary, thanks to e.g. mobile ISPs occupying and other IP ranges) easily and changing settings in once single place, rather than having to change it in many places, but https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/wifi/dumbap should have all the information needed.

The top reasons for trouble with static configuration would be:

  • gateway not configured
  • DNS server not configured
  • NTP not working due to a combination of the above (https requires a roughly correct time)
  • VLAN misconfiguration
  • improper routing (e.g. now coming to light in the absence of the dhpcd 'fixing' it for you).