Xiaomi AX3200 totally broken after some reboots with OpenWrt

Hello i installed with the XIMR Patcher the latest factory stable version of openwrt for the Xiaomi AX3200.

After some reboots after the last reboot the system shows orange light and blinking after time with blinking white internet led.

In this mode there is really no connectivity.

If i press Reset for 15 Seconds it is onl long lightning orange DHCP Starts and the Device gets a address but tftp isnt working, ssh and telnet not and no web gui or something.

Is there any change to get the device back running....? especially with out opening tha case?

You can boot to other partition tripping power within 15s form boot few times. It is genuine OEM fw if you just upgraded it to same version at least one before installing OpenWRT.
xiaomi has some recovery tools that do better than simple tftp server.

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thank you very much i tried it a vew times, but the situation didn't change

Adding OpenWrt support for Xiaomi "Redmi Router AX6S"/"Xiaomi Router AX3200" - #1892 by rtoussaint - it's a known problem. Search for it in this thread.

AFAIR: setting both flag_try_sys1_failed and flag_try_sys2_failed higher than 6 is enough. But before that you need to debrick it with TFT loading.


Thanks very much guys. i uses miwifi repair tool and then it worked with stock firmware. After that i changed the nvram settings and then flashed again opnwrt. It is working now


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