Xiaomi 4a gigabit edition bricked - not flashing

I think I have the 2.28.62 as the bin that was uploaded is holding it in the file:

HDR1?Ì .?7?   0   t                          ?º  ÿÿÿÿ  ÿÿ  xiaoqiang_version               config core 'version'
	# ROM ver
	option ROM '2.28.62'
	# channel
	option CHANNEL 'release'
	# hardware platform R1AC or R1N etc.
	option HARDWARE 'R4A'
	# CFE ver
	option UBOOT '1.0.2'
	# Linux Kernel ver
	option LINUX '0.0.1'
	# RAMFS ver
	option RAMFS '0.0.1'
	option SQAFS '0.0.1'
	# ROOTFS ver
	option ROOTFS '0.0.1'
	#build time
	option BUILDTIME 'Fri, 28 Jun 2019 10:18:46 +0000'
	#build timestamp
	option BUILDTS '1561717126'
	#build git tag
	option GTAG 'commit b221a96d2a53f5769fe6aa5165e2a082418a3169'
   ?º      Ì    firmware.bin                    'V??&ð]ìð mÀ?  ??0?à??ÞMIPS OpenWrt Linux-3.10.14

The user @ksc91u claimed it is working with the firmware here, and that you have to be connected by LAN cable to the router to access openWRT. I entered the IP in the browser, but could not connect.

Which version exactly have you flashed?