X86 router/firewall by Moninsok

Anyone using MOGINSOK 2.5GbE Firewall Appliance? This one has a 12th Gen Intel N100 which is significantly more horsepower than the RPi4B can offer. I'd like something more powerful that my RPi4B which cannot run snort3 at 1000 Mbps in IPS mode due to CPU limitations... bandwidth is throttled to about 10% of the max.

I don't want to spend 400 USD if the thing can't meet my snort3/Gbit requirement. Thanks for feedback.

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can't answer you question, but if you don't need 2.5GbE and 4 ports, get
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C3TLTRPF for $150, the difference in
performance is less than 4%.

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I wonder what the idle power consumption of OP's linked model is like - DDR5 platforms with very modern uarchs could, I think, yield even lower numbers than what has previously been possible, if power-saving in Linux works properly yet.

There another megathread about the Nx00 boxes growing over on STH, with some power numbers. The N100 numbers look substantially like the N5105 ones, same power but more throughput.

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Thanks the T8PLUS (N95 16GB+512GB) is currently $200. Still like to know if my use case is satisfied with the hardware. Right now my RPi4B does everything I need except the snort3 @ speed.

there's an additional $50 of coupon, but it was $121 a couple of weeks ago.

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Ah, I was looking that the 2x RAM/which I probably don't need :smiley:

Unless you are using CM4 with dual NIC board, otherwise you must be using USB NIC, which is not that good compared with the mini PC with native 2 PCI-e NICs, especially some of those Alder Lake N platform devices are coming with dual 2.5G LAN already.