WPA3 crashing most of the time on clients using QCA9377 & Intel 7260

I have 3 laptops with Broadcom & Win7; Intel 7260 & Win10; and Atheros QCA9377 & Win7 WiFi cards and OS respectively. All of them have some sort of problem when using my OpenWRT router (21.02.03) with WPA2-PSK/WPA3-SAE using wpad-wolfssl. The Broadcom one drops the WiFi connection like the AP is not there, the Intel one shows the warning symbol on the wifi signal indicator then resets and is back again in a minute, and the Atheros one is the worst as it keeps Blue Screening with "Qcamain7x64 .sys" as the culprit weather I try to connect to the router or reset the router. Changing back to WPA2-PSK seems to have fixed this problem but this needs to be looked after.

good idea, contact the manufacturers of those WiFi cards, and have them update the drivers for an out of support OS and/or old wifi HW.

Dunno man, the WPA2-PSK/WPA3-SAE is supposed to be a transitional and backwards compatible authentication but is clearly buggy af.

it might be a bug in for instance hostapd.

but does intel and qualcomm claim they support WPA3 on the hardware (and OS) you're using ?

Setting up separate WPA2 and WPA3 SSIDs is known to be helping too. That's what I'm doing here on Mediatek hardware.


Which accesspoint, 5GHz channel, bandwidth 20/40/80/160 and modulation A /AC / AX?

Using notebook with kernel 5.4 and Intel 7260 wifi adapter works fine with WPA3 ubiquite unifi ap pro 5GHz @20MHz (AR9344/AR9280).

However I only use WPA3 not mixed WPA2&3 since I read so many issues about it not OpenWrt Related but also on MacOS/IOS devices(broadcom mostly). I would try @Borromini suggestion about splitting the SSID with different name and different encryption.

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I don't bother even trying WPA3 anymore. I have multiple devices where it causes random issues and some device, where attempting to connect to a WPA2/WPA3 access-point just causes the device to go into a connect/disconnect-loop, causing WiFi to be completely broken.

I have a Nokia 4.2 crashing and rebooting when WPA3 SAE or a backwards compatible mode is enabled. There won't be any client-side fixes for this is device and it probably works on non-OpenWrt routers.

As @Borromini said - establish 2 APs WPA2 and WPA3, can even be with same name.

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