WNR3500Lv1 with openwrt-21.02.3 - two wireless networks?

I have recently updated my WNR3500Lv1 with OpenWRT (openwrt-21.02.3-bcm47xx-mips74k-netgear_wnr3500l-v1-squashfs.chk) with a plan to proxy EAP wireless network to a device (camera) not compatible with EAP. I have set up both client (EAP) and master (non-EAP) wireless networks but I am not able to run them both at the same time: one works only if other is disabled. The same happens when I try to proxy another non-EAP network. Any idea what am I doing wrong? How to debug it? I get "Wireless is not associated" in the GUI.

Check the valid interface combinations (iw list), Broadcom wireless is not known to be flexible in this regard (and client interfaces can't be bridged anyways).

interface combinations are not supported
am I doomed with this device? I guess I need to use two APs...

Broadcom devices aren't ideal (and that's an euphemism) for running OpenWrt…

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