WNDAP360 wireless interfaces gone since 17.01.2

Hi! (My first post here)

To begin I'm an amateur on this, but I've managed to use the Image Builder in a Debian environment for a couple of devices. The current issue here is my converted Netgear WNDAP360. They started out with OpenWRT CC a while ago. It worked well, but I felt it was time for a refresh using LEDE.

Thees are the results.

  • Development builds. Boots without problem but I get no wireless interfaces.
  • 17.01.2 Also boots but no wireless interfaces.
  • 17.01.1 Work as intended. Wireless interfaces and everything looks good.

Any thing a not so experienced user / image builder like me can contribute with so that later than 17.01.1 works on the WNDAP360?

Many kudos to all awesome developers making this possible!


Hi again!

Did I post this in the wrong category?