WireGuard, vxlan and Multicast?

I'm having problems with broadcast/multicast behind two OpenWRT routers.

I have a wg tunnel between two OpenWRT routers. The tunnel works, I can ping each other tunnel IPs and have access to all other pcs when routing is enabled. However, broadcast / multicast did not work through the tunnel.

For that, I created a vxlan on top of the tunnel, since this is a layer 2 (I thought).
However, I can also access all other pcs using the vxlan layer, but still no multicast/broadcast.

What I did:
Router 1:
Tunnel IP

brctl addbr internet
brctl stp internet on
ip addr add dev internet
ip link add router2 type vxlan remote id 1 dstport 4789
ip link set up dev internet
ip link set up router2
brctl addif internet router2

Router 2:
Tunnel IP

brctl addbr internet
brctl stp internet on
ip addr add dev internet
ip link add router1 type vxlan remote id 1 dstport 4789
ip link set up dev internet
ip link set up router1
brctl addif internet router1

Any ideas on how to use multicast on vxlan? Thanks!

Hey, first I have to say that I don't use vxlan.
Make sure that there is no layer 2 firewall active!

Maybe you take a look at gretap over wireguard with excellent performance as overhead is low:
Multicast and Broadcasts are working.

btw.: gretap is 38 byte overhead whereas vxlan has an overhead of 50 byte.

Perhaps someone else can help - I'm not familiar with vxlan. I know others in this forum have sought to run Layer 2 protocols over Wireguard too.

But, is this OpenWrt, if so can you provide the OpenWrt configs?

If these are the OpenWrt configs, the issue is that you haven't enumerated these devices in the UCI (necessary for proper config of firewall, etc.).

Thanks, works perfect with gretap.

However, the ip link interfaces are gone after reboot. I helped myself with two litte scripts:



while ! ping -c1 &>/dev/null
        do echo "Ping Fail - `date`"
echo "Host Found - `date`"



ip link add gretap1 type gretap local remote
ip link set gretap1 up
brctl addif br-lan gretap1

and called the first script in /etc/rc.local

The first script tries to ping the second host. If not successful, it logs to /tmp
If successful, it calles a second script which then builds the gretap tunnel.

Again, thanks!

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You can use gretap in /etc/config/network and bridges as described here:

You don't have to use any scripts then. It's a cleaner way of implementation I think.

I tried, but the gretap tunnel only connects when the wireguard tunnel is already working. This takes up to one minute after reboot, which lets the gretap then fail. I have not found a better solution, maybe anyone else?

I found a solution using vxlan and maybe it will be useful for someone. And I have a question:
Is it possible to add vxlan configuration to /etc/config/network ?
Don't see it here: https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/tunneling_interface_protocols
But it was mentioned in release notes so maybe it is just not documented ?
Introduced support for configuring GRE, GRE-TAP, VETH, VTI, VXLAN

Initial assumptions: wireguard connection are working.
Node1 addresses: (wireguard) and local lan)
Node1 addresses: (wireguard) and local lan)

First I have to install

opkg install ip-bridge
opkg install ip-full

Then add new bridge:

config interface 'LanVPN'
        option proto 'static'
        option type 'bridge'
        option netmask ''
        option ipaddr ''

Add new VAP and assign to new bridge

config wifi-iface 'wifinet3'
        option device 'radio1'
        option mode 'ap'
        option encryption 'psk2'
        option key 'password'
        option network 'LanVPN'
        option ssid 'WifiVPN'

After that I execute manually(How to add it to /etc/config/network ?):

ip link add vxlan0 type vxlan id 42 dstport 0
brctl addif br-LanVPN vxlan0
bridge fdb append to 00:00:00:00:00:00 dst dev vxlan0

and ping using local address to both local sites is OK

I play a little bit it this and raise an issue:

for vxlan in /etc/config/network:

config interface 'vxlan0'
        option proto 'vxlan'
        option port '8472'
        option vid '42'
        option ipaddr ''
        option peeraddr ''


config interface 'vxlan0'
        option proto 'vxlan'
        option port '8472'
        option vid '42'
        option ipaddr ''
        option peeraddr ''

@kofec I have followed your instructions above and they do work! Question, don't know if you noticed, but as of OpenWrt 21.02.0 there is a package luci-proto-vxlan available, so now it is more tightly integrated into UCI/Luci environment. Maybe if it's possible you can revise your istructions to that, and create persistent configs of tunnels/interfaces now, also by omitting of using ip-full and ip-bridge, and using the default bridge control utilities.

Feel free to post corrected instruction

So this is the thing, there are no correct instruction, nor from my side, because I was not able to bring up the VXLAN tunnel on the new build :).

That is why I was asking, whenever you have time, maybe you can check and revise your config, since you already had experience with a working one previously.

Sorry, I phrased a bit where I got easily misunderstood.

So I don't use this configuration anymore