WireGuard and pbr - could not stop DNS Leak so far

Well, i thought you have understood what i already did and the issue that i'm facing, because you posted early some advices.

But for the sake of understanding, i will summarize this post:

  • I already have a WireGuard interface fully functional in my router. It's not the default routing, so i have created policies to selectively use the WireGuard client, as instructed in stangri’s Policy-Based Routing documentation.;

  • Issues: there are DNS leaks, checked on devices selectively connected to WG;

  • What i already tried: the solution proposed in this post , but with no success so far;

  • I have provided my config files on the first post;

  • @pavelgl observed some syntax erros on mac classifier options. I answered that " i have observed that the syntax proposed in the post was different from the guideline , and I already tried like posted.". He observed that the classifier is working as expected in his machine;

  • @lleachii posted that "Wireguard is a Layer 2 interface, there is no DHCP (which works on Layer 2 to provide a Layer 3 address).". I said that "i think it's layer 3 indeed: https://notes.superlogical.ch/pages/note_wg/nolayer2/#paper";

  • @lleachii proposed a solution: "I would simply route the IP of the DNS I'm using in question over WG." i ansewered that it implies that all the dns are resolved only by dns advertised by WG, despite of wg0 or wan routes. I reiterated that what i need is "devices connected through WG with dns resolved by address informed in WG interface", and "devices connected directly through WAN with dns advertised by peers" (excluding the dns used by the WG interface);

  • @inadeqtfuturs has compared our configs and didn't saw anything so far off as to explain my experience (dns persisting leaks);

  • @trendy has solved @inadeqtfuturs wireguard over pbr dns leaks issues in this post. So by now i really would appreciate a helping hand from @trendy , if it's possible;

Thanks again for all the help so far;