However, it outputs it such as
odhcp6c rom
odhcpd-ipv6only rom
openwrt-keyring rom
opkg rom
ppp-mod-pppoe rom
ppp rom
procd-seccomp rom
procd-ujail rom
procd rom
px5g-wolfssl rom
rpcd-mod-file rom
rpcd-mod-iwinfo rom
rpcd-mod-luci rom
rpcd-mod-rrdns rom
rpcd rom
ubi-utils rom
uboot-envtools rom
ubox rom
ubus rom
ubusd rom
uci rom
uclient-fetch rom
ucode-mod-fs rom
ucode-mod-ubus rom
ucode-mod-uci rom
ucode rom
uhttpd-mod-ubus rom
uhttpd rom
urandom-seed rom
urngd rom
usign rom
wireless-regdb rom
wpad-basic-wolfssl rom
rpcd-mod-rpcsys overlay
attendedsysupgrade-common overlay
luci-app-attendedsysupgrade overlay
relayd overlay
luci-proto-relay overlay
etherwake overlay
luci-app-wol overlay
terminfo overlay
libncurses6 overlay
nano overlay
Is the second colunm such as rom, overlay, etc suppose to be in the output file?
…and in the sense of long term maintenance, you better sanitize your list down to the packages (names) you'd actually install - excluding their indirect dependencies.
With the --list option, it will list only user installed packages, hence the comment on the example "append this to the existing package list in the Firmware Selector". If you want all of the top-level packages, user + defaults, use --list --defaults (in which case "replace the whole list in FS" would be appropriate).
Bah! That's a limitation of the sysupgrade server, which has a limited collection of available releases. If you go the overview.json you'll see where is getting its data; I will look into how the Firmware Selector is building its list and see what I can do here. Thanks for pointing this out, I had completely missed it.
In the meantime, you can specify --version-to 22.03.5 (or .6) and get the correct package list for 22.03 (the package list doesn't change on a major release branch).
Hmm, my notion of "ERROR" is not exactly correct, is it? Those could probably just be warnings, as they're only for validity checking and the resulting list is identical to what it would be without them.