Wifi SSID on VLAN interface seems to connect, but no DHCP

Hello. I'm using a Netgear R6120 router. Trying a very simple setup, with LAN and VLAN intefaces that each have wired and wifi access, and their own subnets. Wired works fine: Port1 issues the dhcp for VLAN3 interface subnet, and all other ports issue dhcp for LAN interface subnet. Wifi SSID for LAN inferface works, but the wifi for the VLAN Interface does not: VLAN wifi accepts the password, but circle on on my phone spins indefinitely, or on my laptop it initially seems to connect but fails with an "!".

All the videos I've seen about OpenWRT seem to have a more flexible version of Luci, where multiple devices can be selected for an Interface with bridging enabled or disabled, or each lan port is listed as a device. I have neither of these, but I have a Switch tab, which allows VANS to be mapped to lan ports. Maybe this architecture is associated with DSA.

Regarding the VLAN interface wifi, I feel like I've tried everything. Many of my configurations below may be unnecessary. Was trying to enable anything that might make it work. Maybe the solution requires editing the files directly, without relying on Luci. Thank you in advance for your suggestions.


config interface 'loopback'
        option device 'lo'
        option proto 'static'
        option ipaddr ''
        option netmask ''

config globals 'globals'
        option ula_prefix 'fd70:6c1a:42ad::/48'

config device
        option name 'br-lan'
        option type 'bridge'
        list ports 'eth0.1'

config interface 'lan'
        option device 'br-lan'
        option proto 'static'
        option ipaddr ''
        option netmask ''
        option ip6assign '60'

config device
        option name 'eth0.2'
        option macaddr 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX'

config interface 'wan'
        option device 'eth0.2'
        option proto 'dhcp'

config interface 'wan6'
        option device 'eth0.2'
        option proto 'dhcpv6'

config switch
        option name 'switch0'
        option reset '1'
        option enable_vlan '1'

config switch_vlan
        option device 'switch0'
        option vlan '1'
        option ports '0 1 2 3 6t'

config switch_vlan
        option device 'switch0'
        option vlan '2'
        option ports '4 6t'

config device
        option type '8021q'
        option ifname 'eth0'
        option vid '3'
        option name 'eth0.3'

config interface 'VLAN_3'
        option proto 'static'
        option ipaddr ''
        option netmask ''
        option type 'bridge'
        option device 'br-vlan3'

config device
        option type 'bridge'
        option name 'br-vlan3'
        list ports 'eth0'
        list ports 'eth0.3'


config wifi-device 'radio0'
        option type 'mac80211'
        option path 'platform/10300000.wmac'
        option channel '1'
        option band '2g'
        option htmode 'HT20'
        option disabled '1'

config wifi-device 'radio1'
        option type 'mac80211'
        option path 'pci0000:00/0000:00:00.0/0000:01:00.0'
        option channel '36'
        option band '5g'
        option htmode 'VHT80'
        option country 'US'
        option cell_density '0'

config wifi-iface 'default_radio1'
        option device 'radio1'
        option network 'lan'
        option mode 'ap'
        option ssid 'OpenWrt_LAN'
        option encryption 'psk2'
        option key 'MYPASS'

config wifi-iface 'wifinet2'
        option device 'radio1'
        option mode 'ap'
        option ssid 'OpenWrt_VAN3'
        option encryption 'psk2'
        option key 'MYPASS'
        option network 'VLAN_3'

cat /etc/config/dhcp

config dnsmasq
        option domainneeded '1'
        option boguspriv '1'
        option filterwin2k '0'
        option localise_queries '1'
        option rebind_protection '1'
        option rebind_localhost '1'
        option local '/lan/'
        option domain 'lan'
        option expandhosts '1'
        option nonegcache '0'
        option authoritative '1'
        option readethers '1'
        option leasefile '/tmp/dhcp.leases'
        option resolvfile '/tmp/resolv.conf.d/resolv.conf.auto'
        option nonwildcard '1'
        option localservice '1'
        option ednspacket_max '1232'
        option filter_aaaa '0'
        option filter_a '0'

config dhcp 'lan'
        option interface 'lan'
        option start '100'
        option limit '150'
        option leasetime '12h'
        option dhcpv4 'server'
        option dhcpv6 'server'
        option ra 'server'
        option ra_slaac '1'
        list ra_flags 'managed-config'
        list ra_flags 'other-config'

config dhcp 'wan'
        option interface 'wan'
        option ignore '1'

config odhcpd 'odhcpd'
        option maindhcp '0'
        option leasefile '/tmp/hosts/odhcpd'
        option leasetrigger '/usr/sbin/odhcpd-update'
        option loglevel '4'

config dhcp 'VLAN_3'
        option interface 'VLAN_3'
        option leasetime '12h'
        option start '5'
        option limit '50'


config defaults
        option input 'ACCEPT'
        option output 'ACCEPT'
        option forward 'REJECT'
        option synflood_protect '1'

config zone
        option name 'lan'
        list network 'lan'
        option input 'ACCEPT'
        option output 'ACCEPT'
        option forward 'ACCEPT'

config zone
        option name 'wan'
        list network 'wan'
        list network 'wan6'
        option input 'REJECT'
        option output 'ACCEPT'
        option forward 'REJECT'
        option masq '1'
        option mtu_fix '1'

config forwarding
        option src 'lan'
        option dest 'wan'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-DHCP-Renew'
        option src 'wan'
        option proto 'udp'
        option dest_port '68'
        option target 'ACCEPT'
        option family 'ipv4'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-Ping'
        option src 'wan'
        option proto 'icmp'
        option icmp_type 'echo-request'
        option family 'ipv4'
        option target 'ACCEPT'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-IGMP'
        option src 'wan'
        option proto 'igmp'
        option family 'ipv4'
        option target 'ACCEPT'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-DHCPv6'
        option src 'wan'
        option proto 'udp'
        option dest_port '546'
        option family 'ipv6'
        option target 'ACCEPT'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-MLD'
        option src 'wan'
        option proto 'icmp'
        option src_ip 'fe80::/10'
        list icmp_type '130/0'
        list icmp_type '131/0'
        list icmp_type '132/0'
        list icmp_type '143/0'
        option family 'ipv6'
        option target 'ACCEPT'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-ICMPv6-Input'
        option src 'wan'
        option proto 'icmp'
        list icmp_type 'echo-request'
        list icmp_type 'echo-reply'
        list icmp_type 'destination-unreachable'
        list icmp_type 'packet-too-big'
        list icmp_type 'time-exceeded'
        list icmp_type 'bad-header'
        list icmp_type 'unknown-header-type'
        list icmp_type 'router-solicitation'
        list icmp_type 'neighbour-solicitation'
        list icmp_type 'router-advertisement'
        list icmp_type 'neighbour-advertisement'
        option limit '1000/sec'
        option family 'ipv6'
        option target 'ACCEPT'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-ICMPv6-Forward'
        option src 'wan'
        option dest '*'
        option proto 'icmp'
        list icmp_type 'echo-request'
        list icmp_type 'echo-reply'
        list icmp_type 'destination-unreachable'
        list icmp_type 'packet-too-big'
        list icmp_type 'time-exceeded'
        list icmp_type 'bad-header'
        list icmp_type 'unknown-header-type'
        option limit '1000/sec'
        option family 'ipv6'
        option target 'ACCEPT'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-IPSec-ESP'
        option src 'wan'
        option dest 'lan'
        option proto 'esp'
        option target 'ACCEPT'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-ISAKMP'
        option src 'wan'
        option dest 'lan'
        option dest_port '500'
        option proto 'udp'
        option target 'ACCEPT'

config zone
        option name 'vlan3'
        option input 'ACCEPT'
        option output 'ACCEPT'
        option forward 'ACCEPT'
        list device 'eth0.3'
        list device 'wlan1-1'
        list network 'VLAN_3'
        list network 'wan'

config forwarding
        option src 'vlan3'
        option dest 'wan'

config forwarding
        option src 'wan'
        option dest 'vlan3'
uci delete network.VLAN_3.type
uci commit network
/etc/init.d/network restart

If it still doesn't work, post the output of brctl show br-vlan3.

Also remove list ports 'eth0' from the br-vlan3 device.

After I entered those commands, I could reach the router, but not the Internet. Below is a much simpler configuration. I re-did it bare bones. Meets the same description as above but simpler. Can you say what files to change rather than commands to enter? If I change a file, I understand the effect. Thank you for any solutions.


config interface 'loopback'
        option device 'lo'
        option proto 'static'
        option ipaddr ''
        option netmask ''

config globals 'globals'
        option ula_prefix 'fd7b:863b:9826::/48'

config device
        option name 'br-lan'
        option type 'bridge'
        list ports 'eth0.1'

config interface 'lan'
        option device 'br-lan'
        option proto 'static'
        option ipaddr ''
        option netmask ''
        option ip6assign '60'

config device
        option name 'eth0.2'
        option macaddr '34:98:b5:c0:ea:76'

config interface 'wan'
        option device 'eth0.2'
        option proto 'dhcp'

config interface 'wan6'
        option device 'eth0.2'
        option proto 'dhcpv6'

config switch
        option name 'switch0'
        option reset '1'
        option enable_vlan '1'

config switch_vlan
        option device 'switch0'
        option vlan '1'
        option ports '0 1 2 3 6t'

config switch_vlan
        option device 'switch0'
        option vlan '2'
        option ports '4 6t'

config device
        option type '8021q'
        option ifname 'eth0'
        option vid '3'
        option name 'eth0.3'

config interface 'VLAN_3'
        option proto 'static'
        option device 'eth0.3'
        option ipaddr ''
        option netmask ''
        option type 'bridge'


config wifi-device 'radio0'
        option type 'mac80211'
        option path 'platform/10300000.wmac'
        option channel '1'
        option band '2g'
        option htmode 'HT20'
        option disabled '1'

config wifi-iface 'default_radio0'
        option device 'radio0'
        option network 'lan'
        option mode 'ap'
        option ssid 'OpenWrt'
        option encryption 'none'

config wifi-device 'radio1'
        option type 'mac80211'
        option path 'pci0000:00/0000:00:00.0/0000:01:00.0'
        option channel '36'
        option band '5g'
        option htmode 'VHT80'
        option country 'US'
        option cell_density '0'

config wifi-iface 'default_radio1'
        option device 'radio1'
        option mode 'ap'
        option ssid 'OpenWrt_VLAN'
        option encryption 'psk2'
        option key 'baldeagle'
        option network 'VLAN_3'

config wifi-iface 'wifinet2'
        option device 'radio1'
        option mode 'ap'
        option ssid 'OpenWrt_LAN'
        option encryption 'psk2'
        option key 'baldeagle'
        option network 'lan'


config dnsmasq
        option domainneeded '1'
        option boguspriv '1'
        option filterwin2k '0'
        option localise_queries '1'
        option rebind_protection '1'
        option rebind_localhost '1'
        option local '/lan/'
        option domain 'lan'
        option expandhosts '1'
        option nonegcache '0'
        option authoritative '1'
        option readethers '1'
        option leasefile '/tmp/dhcp.leases'
        option resolvfile '/tmp/resolv.conf.d/resolv.conf.auto'
        option nonwildcard '1'
        option localservice '1'
        option ednspacket_max '1232'

config dhcp 'lan'
        option interface 'lan'
        option start '100'
        option limit '150'
        option leasetime '12h'
        option dhcpv4 'server'
        option dhcpv6 'server'
        option ra 'server'
        option ra_slaac '1'
        list ra_flags 'managed-config'
        list ra_flags 'other-config'

config dhcp 'wan'
        option interface 'wan'
        option ignore '1'

config odhcpd 'odhcpd'
        option maindhcp '0'
        option leasefile '/tmp/hosts/odhcpd'
        option leasetrigger '/usr/sbin/odhcpd-update'
        option loglevel '4'

config dhcp 'VLAN_3'
        option interface 'VLAN_3'
        option leasetime '12h'
        option start '2'
        option limit '50'


config defaults
        option input 'ACCEPT'
        option output 'ACCEPT'
        option forward 'REJECT'
        option synflood_protect '1'

config zone
        option name 'lan'
        list network 'lan'
        option input 'ACCEPT'
        option output 'ACCEPT'
        option forward 'ACCEPT'

config zone
        option name 'wan'
        list network 'wan'
        list network 'wan6'
        option input 'REJECT'
        option output 'ACCEPT'
        option forward 'REJECT'
        option masq '1'
        option mtu_fix '1'

config forwarding
        option src 'lan'
        option dest 'wan'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-DHCP-Renew'
        option src 'wan'
        option proto 'udp'
        option dest_port '68'
        option target 'ACCEPT'
        option family 'ipv4'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-Ping'
        option src 'wan'
        option proto 'icmp'
        option icmp_type 'echo-request'
        option family 'ipv4'
        option target 'ACCEPT'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-IGMP'
        option src 'wan'
        option proto 'igmp'
        option family 'ipv4'
        option target 'ACCEPT'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-DHCPv6'
        option src 'wan'
        option proto 'udp'
        option dest_port '546'
        option family 'ipv6'
        option target 'ACCEPT'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-MLD'
        option src 'wan'
        option proto 'icmp'
        option src_ip 'fe80::/10'
        list icmp_type '130/0'
        list icmp_type '131/0'
        list icmp_type '132/0'
        list icmp_type '143/0'
        option family 'ipv6'
        option target 'ACCEPT'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-ICMPv6-Input'
        option src 'wan'
        option proto 'icmp'
        list icmp_type 'echo-request'
        list icmp_type 'echo-reply'
        list icmp_type 'destination-unreachable'
        list icmp_type 'packet-too-big'
        list icmp_type 'time-exceeded'
        list icmp_type 'bad-header'
        list icmp_type 'unknown-header-type'
        list icmp_type 'router-solicitation'
        list icmp_type 'neighbour-solicitation'
        list icmp_type 'router-advertisement'
        list icmp_type 'neighbour-advertisement'
        option limit '1000/sec'
        option family 'ipv6'
        option target 'ACCEPT'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-ICMPv6-Forward'
        option src 'wan'
        option dest '*'
        option proto 'icmp'
        list icmp_type 'echo-request'
        list icmp_type 'echo-reply'
        list icmp_type 'destination-unreachable'
        list icmp_type 'packet-too-big'
        list icmp_type 'time-exceeded'
        list icmp_type 'bad-header'
        list icmp_type 'unknown-header-type'
        option limit '1000/sec'
        option family 'ipv6'
        option target 'ACCEPT'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-IPSec-ESP'
        option src 'wan'
        option dest 'lan'
        option proto 'esp'
        option target 'ACCEPT'

config rule
        option name 'Allow-ISAKMP'
        option src 'wan'
        option dest 'lan'
        option dest_port '500'
        option proto 'udp'
        option target 'ACCEPT'

config zone
        option name 'vlan3'
        option input 'ACCEPT'
        option output 'ACCEPT'
        option forward 'ACCEPT'
        list network 'VLAN_3'

config forwarding
        option src 'vlan3'
        option dest 'wan'

The device/interface combination should look like this:

# /etc/config/network

config interface 'VLAN_3'
        option proto 'static'
        option ipaddr ''
        option netmask ''
        option device 'br-vlan3'

config device
        option type 'bridge'
        option name 'br-vlan3'
        list ports 'eth0.3'

It is important to remove the type 'bridge' option from the interface section because it is part of the old syntax.

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That worked! Thank you so much for your prompt, working solution! Funny how I may have never discovered that, even though I believe I had tried both solutions previously, though not simultaneously. You mentioned old syntax. I believe I'm using the newest stable version of OpenWRT, which is currently 22.03.2. Why does the default config that Luci creates use old syntax? Thank you again!

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I'm not seeing that. The "bridge" checkbox under Interface appears to be gone, as it should be. To create a new bridged interface in LuCI, open the Network->Interfaces page then first click the Devices tab and create a bridge (e.g. br-guest). Then click back to Interfaces and create a new interface with a related name (guest) then select your bridge as that interface's device. The names don't have to be related nor does the bridge need to start with br-, but it will help to remember what you did by following that convention.

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Wow, your post described the exact same issue I had. I'm running 22.03.2 on old Zyxel NBG6716 (working as dumb AP, VLAN 10 for LAN ports, 20 for WLAN, 30 for IOT) and has been struggling for manymany hours when trying to get Wifi connected devices to acquire IP from the main router (ER-X). I had the exact same extra line added by LuCi in both interfaces:

# /etc/config/network

config interface '20_WLAN'       
        option type 'bridge'
        option proto 'none'
        option device 'br-WLAN'

config interface '30_IOT'  
        option type 'bridge'
        option proto 'none'
        option device 'br-IOT'

I removed line option type 'bridge' from both interfaces and now I'm getting IP from the router. Interestingly if I now create new interface it doesn't add line option type 'bridge'. Feels like a bug and I'll update here if I can figure out a way to recreate the described fault.

It's not a bug... option type 'bridge' was deprecated and is no longer a valid entry in the network interface definition. Instead, bridges are defined as a device, and then the bridge device is referenced by the network interface.

A new interface created in 21.02 and 22.03 using LuCI will never include the option type bridge declaration anymore. The only way that this option will appear is if it is manually added via the CLI or editing the config file, or if an old config file is restored to a running configuration of 21.02 or 22.03.