I performed scans with airmon-ng and wireshark and confirmed the wifi AP beacons stopped transmitting.
The last things seen before beacons stopped:
ap: beacon frame
mobile1: Qos Null function (no data), no flags
mobile1: Qos Null function (no data), P flags set "PWR MGT: STA will go to sleep"
mobile1: [retransmit of above] x15
sequence 3 and 4 repeat with SN incremented by 1
The primary question is how can I get more debugs out of hostapd to see what it is thinking? I modified "/etc/init.d/wpad" and added "-dd" to the hostapd command line but I do not see more debugs in "logread". I am building openwrt from git.
It's not quite clear to me, but I got the impression the bottom section to enable compiler debug flags is now required on your build; but it is not explicitly stated, just that hint about recent versions???
It seems the wiki is accurate as of 21.02 snapshot. CONFIG_NO_STDOUT_DEBUG has not been removed in hostapd-full.config, leaving it undefined, so it should keep the debugs in.
Maybe I am looking for more debugs that are not there in hostapd. I assumed setting debug level to 0 should overwhelm output. I will look into the code but I am not a wifi expert.
The issue seems to be when the wifi client has too low a signal is when it takes the whole AP down. If I can reliably reproduce I will try to bisect git.
I have isolated the commit to: a078037ace50, commited 30 June 2021:
mac80211: improve rate control performance
Call rate control handler after intermediate queueuing
Includes follow-up fixes
Test case:
Connect to AP
Move far away or shield mobile so the AP signal drops significantly as seen by mobile
Viewing the wifi networks of the mobile (android), if when signal drops below some threshold:
4.1 AP disappears from list: FAIL [the router also reboots]
4.2 AP moves from "Connected" to "Saved": PASS
I created build of openwrt-21.02 with latest commits as of 23 July 2021, but reverted the problem commits ("git revert ccbe535; git revert a07803"), and the issue has not been seen so far.