Which country is less restrictive on 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz signal (Channels)

Ok, so some country they support on 2.4 Ghz wifi channels from 1 to 13 and others 1 to 11. On 5 Ghz they support some channels on the lower portion and channels on the upper portion, or only allow channels from the upper portion and so on.
Also some countrys let you have the channels but with a reduced transmit power.
I live in a country that there isn't any law or some sort of enforcement regarding the wifi signals, so I don't mind which country code should I use. So there begins my question, which country is the most friendliest on wifi signal option?
As what I have researched, I think is South Korea (country code KR) since they support on 2.4 Ghz channels from 1 to 13 and on 5 Ghz channels 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161 and 165, but I don't know if they have some enforcement regarding the transmit power.
Also to mention, when I try to use channel 13 some devices may not detect the wifi signal at all.

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Hey there.

The database used by OpenWRT should be this one:

Doesn't your country have section in there? If there's basically no rule about frequency usage and power in your country, then using your own country code should be the best fit.

If you're going to try and find you a nice country code to pick from this site: The power is the value in brackets. 20 means 20dBm, which is 100mW. Every 3 dBm doubles the power. so 17 is 50mW, 23 is 200mW. But to my experience, cranking up the power might OK for one device over a long open distance, but as soon as you have a couple of devices within a building, you're better off using multiple APs with lower power to not interfere.

I can't give you the single best lawless country, that's nothing I investigated. But if there's any, it's in there. Just out of curiosity, could you report back if you found it?.


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Yeah, mostly live between two countrys, Ecuador (that has a regulation well specified) and Chile (that doesn't, it has suggestions but hasn't been regulated yet however the country is on the list with some frequencies limitations), looking down that list, I can almost confirm that South Korea is one of the most friendly regarding on open frequencies.

country KR: DFS-JP
	(2400 - 2483.5 @ 40), (23)
	(5150 - 5230 @ 40), (23), AUTO-BW
	# max. PSD 2.5 mW/MHz in 5230-5250 MHz frequency range
	(5230 - 5250 @ 20), (17), AUTO-BW
	(5250 - 5350 @ 80), (20), DFS, AUTO-BW
	(5470 - 5725 @ 160), (20), DFS
	(5725 - 5850 @ 80), (23)
	# 6 GHz band
	(5925 - 7125 @ 160), (15), NO-OUTDOOR
	# 60 GHz band channels 1-4
	(57000 - 66000 @ 2160), (43)

I think that for these cases, the profile code 00 aka "World", should be fully open.
By the way, the profile code PA for Panama also looks very promising because the power ranges are very high. Nevertheless and also thinking about its out of why this thread was created, the 6 Ghz bands are missing.

country PA: DFS-FCC
	(2400 - 2483.5 @ 40), (36)
	(5150 - 5250 @ 80), (36), AUTO-BW
	(5250 - 5350 @ 80), (30), AUTO-BW
	(5470 - 5725 @ 160), (30)
	(5725 - 5850 @ 80), (36)
	(57000 - 64000 @ 2160), (43)

The main idea is to move my wifi signal out of the interference, for instance, on 2.4 Ghz is fully populated around with at minimum 4 signals on one channel, 5 Ghz is also very populated but there are some open spots.

(At least in the past, 5.4 GHz initial Tx was not allowed, so World would not be "fully open" - whatever that means; but definitely couldn't be an AP.)

This means those devices are set to the correct country. You should always set your devices to the correct country.

:warning: (It may not be that the radio regulations are not "well defined" - it could also be that it's governed by your military.)

To my understanding, the regulatory domain "00" aka "world roaming" is meant as lowest common denominator between all regulatory domains. If your device is set to this one, you are compliant with every law there is, no matter where you are in the world. So it's a plausible default to be on the safe side because it's actually the most restrictive.

But please keep in mind: The dBm value is a logarithmic scale. As I said: Three steps are doubling the power. 36 dBm are 4W (yes, actuall watts). Depending on your housing situation, I'd generally still advise for more devices set to lower power rates. 4W might be good to cover 10km on a directional link, but in shomewhat standard housing situations with multiple neighbours within 250m and houses or flats that rarely excede 20*20m, wifi will quickly become useless for everyone if all APs there go directly to 4W.

That's the purpose of those regulary domains: To ensure the emitted power is more or less low enough so that everyone can participate in one way or another instead of being screamed over by the one guy with the biggest power adapter. I personally don't want my wifi to be visible four houses accross the street. I want good coverage where I am, but where I am is very closely defined. That's why I placed 6 access points around my house (3 floors, 120m² each). With APs set to 20dBm I still shine to my neighbors, but at least not to the neighbors of my neighbors.

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As you mention over World profile, it makes total sense, I don't known what I was thinking when I wrote. But, I still do think that there should be a profile fully open so someone can run some tests.
Also as @lleachii said, Ive though about that too since the device in question is a printer, particularly an Epson ET-2850 that its brought from the US so its wifi is restricted by what's on the US regulations (so US profile).
For the PA profile, yes its an overkill on power side but that doesn't mean that you will use it at its total, what type of device you may have plays a main role here, since not all AP's can support such high power (or you may fry the wireless chip or in other cases that's why some extreme modders place a large heat sink on top of the chip back in the old days), so in general typically that power should be around 20 to 22 dBm by the AP's config.