Where is my HDD space going?

I have an exroot setup with 512mb of space. Last week i noticed I was down to 30mb. So i went a little crazy and set it up with 10GB of space
However without installing any new software the space is steadily going down.
I use this script to tell me the size of packages but its not helping me find the culprit (who is writing so much data and for what)

how can i see what process and what file is continuously growing?

du: /etc/uci-defaults/10-fstab: No such file or directory
du: /etc/uci-defaults/ddns: No such file or directory
du: /etc/uci-defaults/40_luci-adblock: No such file or directory
du: /etc/uci-defaults/40_luci-ddns: No such file or directory
du: /etc/uci-defaults/40_luci-freifunk-diagnostics: No such file or directory
du: /etc/uci-defaults/40_luci-minidlna: No such file or directory
du: /etc/uci-defaults/rtorrent: No such file or directory
du: /etc/uci-defaults/40_luci-transmission: No such file or directory
4       kmod-crypto-crc32c
4       kmod-crypto-hash
4       kmod-fs-ext4
4       kmod-lib-crc16
4       kmod-scsi-core
4       kmod-usb-core
4       kmod-usb-storage
8       luci-app-freifunk-diagnostics
8       luci-app-samba
12      libcomerr
12      libnatpmp
12      php7
16      luci-app-uhttpd
20      libnl-genl
20      libogg
20      libss
20      luci-app-minidlna
20      luci-app-transmission
20      xmlrpc-c-common
20      xmlrpc-c-server
24      libuuid
24      luaexpat
24      luci-app-commands
32      bzip2
32      luci-app-advanced-reboot
36      airmon-ng
36      libintl-full
36      libpopt
40      libsigcxx
44      libminiupnpc
44      terminfo
48      libbz2
48      luci-app-adblock
48      wireless-tools
52      adblock
56      xz
60      luasec
64      block-mount
64      ethtool
72      zlib
76      libid3tag
76      openssh-sftp-server
80      ddns-scripts
80      libnl-core
84      sfdisk
88      liblzma
108     kmod-usb-storage-extras
112     libexpat
144     libflac
152     libpng
152     libsmartcols
160     luasocket
160     luci-app-ddns
168     make
168     procps-ng
168     xmlrpc-c-internal
176     libjpeg
188     libexif
188     libpcap
204     ca-bundle
216     libcurl
216     libevent2
232     zoneinfo-core
236     minidlna
244     libblkid
244     libpcre
252     libext2fs
296     rsync
300     libmbedtls
320     screen
324     libncurses
328     libfdisk
332     libgmp
336     tar
360     transmission-daemon-mbedtls
372     e2fsprogs
388     wget
440     luci-app-rtorrent
476     libfreetype
596     libsqlite3
620     rtorrent-rpc
648     libtorrent
688     libvorbis
876     aircrack-ng
960     libstdcpp
1004    libxml2
1200    libffmpeg-mini
1352    transmission-cli-mbedtls
1444    libopenssl
1652    kmod-nls-base
1652    librt
1652    rtorrent
1652    xmlrpc-c
1652    xz-utils
1720    samba36-server
1872    xupnpd
2632    php7-cli
3348    icu
36984   ---TOTAL---

Are you writing log files to this volume? Perhaps that's what's filling things up? If so, you can install and configure the logrotate package to handle this perhaps.

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I don't know how the path structure is with extroot, but you should be able to narrow it down using du -s. Start with

du -s /*

and then do du -s /subpath/* for each subpath, and so on until you find the files.

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du -sh /*
will be easier to read

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In some cases, but in this case the culprit will be a path with an unusually long number in front of it. I find that easier to spot than having to check each line to see if the number is measured in K, M or G.


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