Dear @flygarn12, first off, is using aggressive language like "no on gives a f*ck" a norm here? This is the first time I've seen this sort of expression on this forum. Please educate me on this subject.
Now about me not wanting to give you my real name. I signed off all my commits with it. So where does this claim even come from? The fact that I didn't use it in the Makefile? Well, first, where's the rule that says that this is even necessary? Second, I asked here, on this forum, whether I'm supposed to do that and I didn't get any authoritative answer. So how am I expected to even figure this out?
About copyright "demands" - please cite any demands I've made. The "copyright: antonk" is simply there to identify the author. How does this contradict the GPL license?
Also, please cite any complains I've made as I'm not aware of any.
About links, I didn't know that it's no good - sure, I'll remove them.
As to sending commits, geoip-shell is being actively developed as lots of software out there. What's wrong with adding commits when the review process hasn't even started? Again, I asked about this specifically on this forum and the answer I've got is that it's fine. Anyway, the code is absolutely ready for review.
About the auto check, I'll be happy to comply but i don't understand how to do that. Am i supposed to create a Github account with my official name? Probably not going to happen. Also, i see that most contributors don't actually do this. On the other hand, the file says that I should sign off commits with my official name. Which is what I did. This, however, to my understanding, triggered the autocheck to fail because the signoff name doesn't match the Github account name. So what should I do to fix that?
As to finding reviewers who are interested in the project. I don't know too many people here and i certainly don't know who is authorized to review packages. I'm offering the project as a contribution to the community and i know that some people will use and appreciate it. These may or may not be people with review authorization. I've put a fair amount of work into adapting it to OpenWrt. I'm not going to be begging for it to get reviewed. Especially I'm not going to be begging people who speak in a hostile and condescending manner like you do. I also understand that nobody owes me anything.