I am trying and failing to get DBDC to work on my MT7615 device. I have searched and read through multiple issues and am still unsure of what the level of support is. It it still considered an experimental feature?
So far I can almost get it to work by following an abbreviated set of steps found here and here:
Change settings in /etc/config/wireless from "option path" to "option phy" for each radio
It's a programming term from long ago. When you wanted to activate some obscure and not well (or at all) documented feature, you "poked" a value into a memory location. C64, Apple][, Trash 80, that era. I'm showing my age.
I get that. I'm just trying to find out what the intended behaviour and current state is right now. Some places suggest it's a test-only feature, some suggest it's doable right from LuCI, no "pokes" required. Even turning it on manually I can still only get it to only partially work, and I'm not sure if I'm not doing things right, if it's my hardware (which is a bit of a kitbash), or the feature is not fully implemented.
Not asking anyone to solve my issues. But I would like to know if anyone else has it working even partially, and if they do to maybe start collecting some configs to see what the common denominator is. Then I can write up something in the Wiki to help document where the feature is at.
To that end...
What works (for me):
One "radio" in STA mode connecting as a client to another router
The other "radio" in AP mode successfully creates an SSID that devices can at least see
Activating the feature (with echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/mt76/dbdc) returns an error, though it does appear to activate the second PHY
Devices can connect to the AP radio, and are successfully associated, but then immediately dissociated.
Both PHY0 and PHY1 appear to support both 2.4G and 5G, which for the 7615 is definitely not the case.
Device lights not working properly.
Looking for anyone else using the feature in OpenWrt and what works for you
I just retested DBDC and mostly got it to work. I tested it in a wi-fi relayd repeater configuration, which might explain why it still seemed a bit glitchy. But at least it seems to mainly work. The procedure I used is essentially unchanged from in the lead post, but I'll detail it here:
What I did:
Changed option path to option phy in /etc/config/wireless
Ensure that radio0 (phy0) is set to 2g and radio1 (phy1) is set to 5g
Add the following to /etc/rc.local
# Turn on DBDC
sleep 10
wifi down
sleep 3
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/mt76/dbdc
sleep 3
wifi up
) &
Here is my /etc/config/wireless to illustrate step 1: