Wavlink WL-WN570HA1 flash dump working with both radios and web interface

a short while ago i installed the snapshot from the wiki to my WL-WN570HA1 AP and managed to get the LEDE web interface working with both radios. only thing i could think of doing was to dump the physical flash from the device with my MCUmall GQ-4x4 programmer and an SOIC clip to capture everything. Flash chip is GD25Q64C if anyone want to know and look up the data sheet for it.

Here is a link to the BIN file in my google drive.

also here is stock firmware version 190220 flash dump.

i dont think you can install this straight up unless you actually flash your chip with a programmer and the BIN. someone here might be able to take the BIN and make something thats not a snapshot installation for all of those struggling to get it all working with the snapshot.

can you explain step by step how you got from stock FW to openwrt? I openend a topic because I can't make it work

i did this exactly. this was enough to get openwrt on it. no LUCI though, gotta run it with SSH to get LUCI installed and running.

Flashing instructions:

Factory U-boot launches a TFTP client if reset button is pressed during power-on.
Rename the sysupgrade file and configure TFTP as follows:

 - Client (WL-WN570HA1) IP:
 - Server IP:
 - Filename: firmware.bin

i connected the wavlink through my router and made sure i could communicate with it over SSH. i used these commands below to set the network up.

Sets up network

uci set network.lan.ipaddr=
uci set network.lan.gateway=
uci set network.lan.dns=
uci commit network

than i did this to download and install LUCI.

`opkg update
opkg install luci
/etc/init.d/uhttpd start`

thats it.

Did you make a tftp put command or does the Wavlink do this on it‘s own?

Por acá tengo este equipo (WL-WN570HA1) y el firmware que trae originalmente está bastante pobre. Quisiera flashear la Eeprom con mi programador para una versión de OpenWRT que ya esté lista, o si no volver a instalar la misma versión que trae de fábrica. Esta la tuve como una salva, pero la perdi. Y ahora tengo el equipo sin utilizar, esperando alguna de estas opciones.

En espera de alguna ayuda...

Intente descagar lo que publicó en:

y en

ya que es justamente lo que necesito pero no es accesible desde mi ubicación o que ya no esta disponible,,, puedes ayudarme ??

mi correo es: yuriabcruz@gmail.com

please! upload the dump again, the file is not available, but I really need it!

Any news ? The files are still unavailable.. HELP
Can someone provide a new link for the flash dump ?
Thanks a lot !!!

WAVLINK Aerial HD2 WL-WN570HA1 flash dump