Wansview NCS601W / Belkin Netcam F7D7601v1 Support

To start, it looks like the device page for the Wansview is only available on Waybackmachine:


Not sure exactly what the process of getting that back into shape is.

So I've recently been very determined to get this Belkin Netcam F7D7601v1 to work with OpenWRT since Belkin discontinued support for these and flashed an update that basically bricks it.

My research started off here: http://wanda25.de/wansview_ncs601w.html where I was able to get as far as getting the image for the Wansview NCS601W working on my Netcam. (19.07.10 is the newest I can get without having issues) I was also able to capture single images from the camera with v4l2-ctl --stream-mmap --stream-to=/path/to/output/image.jpg --stream-count=1 --device=/dev/video0
. I ran into the same problem noted in this document with a fix noting changing some VIDIO_C settings because VIDIOC_S_FMT is not supported. Unfortunetely, I can't find a version of Motion that has a file named video2.c with a line including VIDIOC_TRY_FMT & VIDIOC_S_FMT to replace with VIDIOC_G_FMT that apparently solves this issue.

I then happened upon what I believe to be the exact model camera used within these devices: https://mail.ipassion.com.tw/ip8230.html

This webpage includes a guide on linux driver support: https://mail.ipassion.com.tw/datasheet/How%20to%20build%20up%20UVC%20Driver%20on%20Linux_1.1_E.pdf which includes the following code that they say needs to be appended to UVC_driver.c:


This seems very familiar to the errors I was getting within Motion:

VIDIOC_TRY_FMT failed for format v4l2_set_pix_format: I/O error [1] [ERR] [VID] v4l2_set_pix_format: Unable to find a compatible palette format.

Basically, this all leads me to believe the best solution to the issue might be making the manufacturers reccomended driver setting changes and manually applying them to the OpenWRT kernel. Or can we just apply a patch through the buildtools? Still pretty new to all of this so would very much appriciate some help, thank you!

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I was able to get the camera functioning in motion by running:

rmmod uvcvideo
insmod uvcvideo quirks=0x22

Very excited right now! If motion detection is enabled, it will promptly run out of memory but I will play around with some different images and maybe compile my own to get it working more smoothly!

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