This week I was searching on the internet and I noticed that the user hnyman has a version of luci-app-statistics with graphics in better resolution and quality. I would like to know how to install this version on my router. Below are the images:
November 13, 2023, 6:55pm
See discussion in
opened 04:49PM - 07 Dec 22 UTC
**Creating an alternative version of LuCI statistics with enhanced graphics?**
We are currently using the year 2003 version of rrdtool 1.0.50 in LuCI statistics.
The benefit is that the RRD library 1.0.50 is really small, compact and has no external dependencies. It is really efficient on flash space.
The drawback is that we miss all the developments for RRDtool in the last 19 years and the graphs are rather basic and show their age.
In practice there is also no support for the current RRDtool for other needs than LuCI statistics.
The graphs from the current RRDtool 1.8.0 are more polished and crisp.
The 1.8.0 is also aware of the time_t size and can adjust to 64bit time in 32bit systems.
One year ago I briefly tested with new RRDtool, when looking at the musl 64bit time_t issues. See
* rejected proposal to accept 64bit time_t and modify the ancient RRDtool for that:
* current modification of keeping 32 bit time in 32 bit CPUs:
We ended up patching the ancient RRDtool version to use 32bit time with 32bit CPUs despite musl always has 64bit time_t.
That is a short-term kludge, but offers no compatibility with the current RRDtool versions and is not future-proof.
(However, that enables the old databases to be compatible with the current musl. That is useful to those (few) that have preserved stats data in sysupgrades.)
Triggered by the recent forum discussion in I have now implemented a new upgrade to RRDtool 1.8.0, and I am considering the possible roadmap scenarios for LuCI stats.
The crucial aspect of RRDtool 1.8.0 is that RRDtool has in 2005-2008 moved from the ancient self-contained lib to more complex graphics libraries cairo, pango, freetype etc. (requiring also glib2).
So, the size of the required libraries is approx. 3 MB larger (as measured from a compressed sysupgrade image for RT3200).
That is a lot of flash space :-(
Due to the size increase, I see no feasibility in wholly replacing the old rrdtool 1.0.50 with the new version.
Instead, there might be two alternative versions of rrdtool and LuCI statistics.
**For that purpose, I have created the patch set that**
* creates the necessary graphics libs in feeds/packages: harfbuzz, fribidi, pango, cairo
* creates an alternative new "rrdtool" next to the old "rrdtool1"
* modifies collectd to select between the old rrdtool 1.0.50 and the new 1.8.0 at build time
* modifies LuCI statistics to select between rrdtool 1.0.50 and 1.8.0
(Both luci-app-statistics and collectd need to have the enhanced version selected manually, so this is just a proof-of-concept at this point. But it works.)
The non-standard video feed contains versions of pango, cairo, harfbuzz and fribidi authored by @dangowrt , but they have too many features enabled (and caused compile errors), so I created new minimal versions of the same packages into the packages feed.
**So, regarding a possible future roadmap I am considering:**
* renaming the old rrdtool1 as rrdtool-mini (or rrdtool-old ???)
* renaming the old collectd-mod-rrdtool to collect-mod-rrdtool-mini (or -old ???)
* introducing "-mini" versions of pango, cairo, harfbuzz and fribidi into the packages feed. The video feed might have more full version of them.
* introducing new rrdtool (the current 1.8.0) (and also keep the old rrdtool1 as rrdtool-mini)
* introducing new collectd-mod-rrdtool that links to the new rrdtool 1.8.0.
That requires patching collectd to have a two rrdtool plugins. Having two separate collectd-mod-rrdtool variants would enable LuCI to have one master option about the normal or enhanced LuCI stats, instead of separately defining the underlying lib also for collectd-mod-rrdtool at the build time.
* modifying LuCI to either
* have a similar stats build-time config option that I use now, or alternatively
* offer two statistics variants, "normal" and "enhanced"
Sounds feasible?
**Specific questions:**
* I have now been testing with RT3200 that has 64bit CPU, so the RRD database is compatible between 1.0.50 and 1.8.0.
I do not see much point in patching the 1.8.0 so that it would always still use 32bit time with 32bit CPUs. I would prefer to keep it in sync with the upstream RRDtool.
So I propose that the new 1.8.0 would be the current default without patching it to use 32bit time. That would more easily enable it to be used for other purposes than just LuCI stats. (It would break compatibility to old 32bit databases, but those can be manually converted. I tested that a year ago)
* Does introducing -mini versions of pango, cairo etc. in feeds/packages sound feasible?
* Renaming rrdtool1 to rrdtool-mini?
@jow- @dangowrt
My "enhanced" version uses a newer version of rrdtool (and rrdgraph) than the really tiny year 2005 version. (But my version requires 3 MB more flash space and also uses the current rrdtool with a 64bit time_t implementation, which means that the old/earlier databases in 32bit devices are not compatible, but there is no database difference for 64bit devices like aarch64 based ones)
If you ant to compile it for yourself, you can take the patches needed for the LuCI feed repo and the packages feed repo from my github: