Instructions are linked in the first post.
i do suggest you do a clean install and then redo any customisations u need.
I cheat and automate this by using OpenWrtScripts/ at master · richb-hanover/OpenWrtScripts (
and once i reset / reload the new release candidate i can pretty much auto install my settings.
(mostly resetting the wifi, setting timezone but there are other settings you can do like SQM.)
if it helps these are my settings for the network (set it up so it can do VDSL on Openreach network VLAN 101) Just copy them into the sections of the script and then SSH into the router and run it. Dont forget to make it executable first
chmod +x
# echo 'Configuring WAN link for PPPoE'
uci delete network.atm
uci delete network.dsl
uci delete network.wan
uci set network.globals.packet_steering='1' #Use every cpu to handle packet traffic
uci set network.dsl=dsl
uci set network.dsl.annex='b'
uci set network.dsl.xfer_mode='ptm'
uci set network.dsl.line_mode='vdsl'
uci set network.dsl.ds_snr_offset='0'
uci set network.dsl.tone='a'
uci set network.lan.igmp_snooping='1'
uci set network.wan=interface
uci set network.wan.device='dsl0.101'
uci set network.wan.proto='dhcp'
uci set network.wan.mtu='1500'
uci set network.wan.ipv6='1'
# uci set network.wan.username=$DSLUSERNAME
# uci set network.wan.password=$DSLPASSWORD
uci commit network
ifup wan
echo 'Waiting for link to initialize'
sleep 20
And this will auto install some needed packages
# === Update the software packages =============
# Download and update all the interesting packages
# Some of these are pre-installed, but there is no harm in
# updating/installing them a second time.
echo 'Updating software packages'
opkg update # retrieve updated packages
opkg install luci # install the web GUI
opkg install luci-app-sqm # install the SQM modules to get fq_codel etc
opkg install bind-tools #dns tools
opkg install ca-certificates # CA Certs for SSL
opkg install igmpproxy #TV igmpproxy needed for IPTV
wifi Settings
# === Assign the SSID's
echo 'Setting SSIDs'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].ssid=BT5-5GHz
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[1].ssid=BT5-2-4Ghz
# === Assign the encryption/password ================
# Update the wifi password/security. To see all the wireless info:
# uci show wireless
# The full list of encryption modes is at: (psk2 gives WPA2-PSK)
# Set WIFIPASSWD and the ENCRMODE, and then uncomment the remaining lines.
echo 'Updating WiFi security information'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].key=$WIFIPASSWD
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[1].key=$WIFIPASSWD
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].encryption=$ENCRMODE
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[1].encryption=$ENCRMODE
uci commit wireless
echo 'You should restart the router now for these changes to take effect...'