Using 'wpad-mbedtls' as dependency of a package (conflicting with the selected MODULE_DEFAULT)

I'm trying to use DEPENDS:=+wpad-mbedtls in my custom packge, as it is needed for the automatic configuration the package generates. A build with the package selected fails with the following error:

Collected errors:
 * check_conflicts_for: The following packages conflict with wpad-mbedtls:
 * check_conflicts_for:         wpad-basic-mbedtls *
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package wpad-mbedtls.
 * check_conflicts_for: The following packages conflict with wpad-mbedtls:
 * check_conflicts_for:         wpad-basic-mbedtls *
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package kb-base-conf.

The conflict arises as wpad-basic-mbedtls gets selected by MODULE_DEFAULT_wpad-basic-mbedtls, which in turn gets generated by scripts/ somehow. This is because wpad-basic-mbedtls is listed in the targets DEFAULT_PACKAGES in target/linux/mediatek/filogic/

So I'm looking for the correct way to have the full wpad as dependency of my package, (preferably) without hacks in other places besides my package configuration. Are 'anti-dependencies' a thing? I could did not find them documented in 1 of 2. Or is there maybe a mechanism to 'upgrade' the wpad-basic to a full wpad with though some variable?

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I might have a similar issue. Trying to build with hostpad full and I get this. I can compile with hostapd-common. The default build has hostapd-common however when I buuld from the firmware selector hostapd-common isn't listed in the " Installed Packages" section.

Collected errors:
 * check_conflicts_for: The following packages conflict with wpad-basic-mbedtls:
 * check_conflicts_for: 	hostapd * 
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package wpad-basic-mbedtls.
 * check_conflicts_for: The following packages conflict with wpad-basic-mbedtls:
 * check_conflicts_for: 	hostapd * 
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package wpad-basic-mbedtls.
make[2]: *** [Makefile:189: package_install] Error 255
make[1]: *** [Makefile:154: _call_manifest] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:274: manifest] Error 2

Platform: bcm53xx/generic
Version: 23.05.3 (r23809-234f1a2efa)