Using wolfssl instead of mbedtls in Openwrt 23.05.5

I am actually new in Openwrt. In 23 series, Openwrt moved to mbedtls from ssl, as far as i know. For example, in 22 series, wpad-basic-wolfssl package was used. But in 23 series, it is wpad-basic-mbedtls .

Out of curosity, i made a firmware from firmware selector using openwrt 23.05.5, but i rename the packages from mbedtls to wolfssl and successfully made a firmware. This firmware is working fine in tp link archer c60 v3.

Now my question is, will it be a problem if i use wolfssl package in stead of mbedtls in Openwrt 23? . Whats the difference between mbedtls and wolfssl?

And OpelSSL, we have all three alternatives to choose between.

If you have been around long enough the default standard have actually moved more than a complete revolution around all three and now we are back at mbedtls.

There are long treads in the forum you can search for from each change with a discussion for pro and cons for every alternative.

Personally I prefer OpenSSL since I run OpenVPN with OpenSSL also, so it is more like one-for-all.

But the biggest difference between them is mostly broken down to actual installed size in flash.


uclient-fetch is bu8lt with mbedtls, you need to compile firmware to avoid doubling ssl frameworks.