Using Qfirehose on Openwrt

I'm trying to update my rm500q-ae. I have qfirehose installed, i just bought a flash drive. But i don't know how to update. Im trying to update my wrt3200acm using my cmd prompt on windows 10. I just don't know where to start.

Seems like you may be running the rOOter firmware right now, is that correct? Is your intent to install openwrt?

No im using Openwrt snapshot.

Download the latest stable release of OpenWrt here (download the sysupgrade version):

Copy it to your device using scp (copy it to the /tmp/ directory).
Finally, run sysupgrade with the -n argument so that you do not keep settings. Do this via an ssh session:

sysupgrade -n /tmp/openwrt-23.05.2-mvebu-cortexa9-linksys_wrt3200acm-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin

Ive did that. But i still need to update my rm500q modem so i can stop having dropouts. I have qfirehose installed. I have my flash drive, i just don't know how to proceed.

Running QFirehose should give you a hint.
Most of the time it is enough to run it with -f [package_dir]

I extracted my file that i received directly from quectel. Should i rename it so i can make it simplier. And move it to my flash drive, then put the flash drive onto my router? That's where im stuck on.

No, leave the names as they were. And yes, copy files to pendrive, put into router, mount drive in ex, in /tmp/drive

You should not rename any file but you can rename the folder if you wish.
Assuming all the necessary packages installed, the System Log will show you the name of your flash drive and available partitions, it will be something like sda: sda1
Then you will need to mount it somewhere, like in /mnt/stick:
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/stick
Then point the program to the folder containing the firmware, it will be something like /mnt/stick/firmware

Im not sure if its detecting the flash drive. I really need like a dummy guide of doing this because im a bit stuck.

how big is the upgrade file for the rm500q?

It is around 195MB

Okay i got it downloaded and the flash drive mounted.