Using an OpenWRT router as a WiFi repeater

Hello everyone, I flashed OpenWrt on a router that is not officially compatible. Everything is working, but I can't seem to set it to repeater mode. Can anyone tell me what I need to adjust? I'm attaching some screenshots of the configurations.

So the Router type and name is a secret? :thinking:

For your mediatek device you can try setting up relayd if you are able to download the package.

I didn't think it was important. I'll add it to the main thread as well. It's an Xiaomi Router 4A, and the version of OpenWRT I installed is a snapshot

I'm trying, but it just doesn't want to work. The package was installed correctly without any errors (this surprised me quite a bit). The reason I installed OpenWRT, however, is to try to make this router work better because, frankly, it has always been terrible in every way. I've been tinkering for three days now, but if it continues like this, I'll throw it away. I only need it to connect a device that I'm building to help my bedridden mother. So, from the main project, I've spent days trying to get this thing to work.

Its officially supported, thats why I asked...
Maybe its running with the latest version (not snapshot)?

Personally I have problems to setup a repeater using WDS with luci, so many options. I prefer to use an editor, where you see the options only, which are used. Take care to use the right radios. I copy the config normally from a working one, but 2.4GHz can be radio0 or radio1. So maybe you find the problem by reading the config files?

BTW setting up a DAP-X1860 EXO AX1800 was very easy, except you have to flash it 2 times, because of strange checksum errors. I bought it below 30€.

Asus RT-AX53U costs more, set it up as "repeater" too. If you know how to access via ssh, it is easy. In short reboot after enabling ssh, user is your configured Asus account name

I will configure a Zyxel Multy M1 WSM20 as extender in a week or so. It depends what you need. The M1 was in a double-pack 50€.

My Upnstream Master is Atheros based.

Oh my, I've been searching on Google for days; I had no idea about an official version of OpenWRT. I'll switch to a stable version right away and try again from scratch with the tutorial.


For some reason, the snapshot was causing all sorts of issues. With the stable version, everything works perfectly following the tutorial. Thanks for the valuable tip, and Merry Christmas!