Upgrading from OpenWrt 19.07.5 on Linksys WRT32X


I've currently got OpenWrt 19.07.5 running on my Linksys WRT32X. I'm trying to upgrade to the latest supported version which is 21.02.3, but I'm seeing some strange error messages when going through the "System -> Backup/Flash Firmware -> Flash new firmware image" path in the LuCi UI.

When using the sysupgrade.bin file (openwrt-21.02.3-mvebu-cortexa9-linksys_wrt32x-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin), I can see the error:

The files present a warning which says:

The uploaded image file does not contain a supported format. Make sure that you choose the generic image format for your platform.

Am I using the right file? Am I using the right process? I've tried following the process outlined here, but that's what present the above warning/error.

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!!

You are not following the warning and advice shown to you.

Kernel partition size in wrt32x and wrt1900acv1 was changed between 19.07 and 21.02.

You can use the sysupgrade GUI, but use the OpenWrt factory image (instead of the sysupgrade image), and select "force upgrade", when the image check fails.

Additionally, unselect "keep settings" so that you get he new default config.
And do not restore the old 19.07 network config from backup. The proper config has changed due to the switch config architecture being changed from swconfig to DSA.

Using the factory install with force upgrade has worked, thanks so much @hnyman!

A note to add though, even when uploading the factory install image the same warning appears:

The uploaded image file does not contain a supported format. Make sure that you choose the generic image format for your platform.

So I was still a bit apprehensive when clicking force upgrade, as force upgrade asks you to ensure that this image is for the correct device.

Either way, it's all ended well, so thanks so much!

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Yeah, the factory image is compatible with the Linksys OEM flashing, so it is missing the OpenWrt sysupgrade image metadata, which prevents the validation.

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